Tuesday, August 27, 2013

The Collarette Structure & Signs at Pupillary Zone - Lx - (tfy)

Please observe and analyse the structure of this collarette, it indicate vital genetic information for a practitioner to explore, also take note a solitary crypt located inside & outside of the collarette and deep level of radial furrows radiate at the ventral section of ciliary zone...You may pay attention to look at the below iris signs first :

a) 1st photo : deep crypt conjunction with collarette bridge at internal collarette border.
b) 2nd photo : tiny crypt located external collarette border & local indentation of the collarette.
c) 3rd photo : radial furrow indented toward to a pupillary zone & double collarette with linear formation at superior nasal section of the collarette.
We will look into more details and explore the importance signs in this case study.

a) Local absent of the IPB at 295'-302' signify Space Risk 8 & 7 indicates genetic deficiency to thyroid, thymus gland, breast tissues, trachea and whooping cough tendencies.

b) Superior temporal flatness potentially indicate hearing and balance problems such as tinnitus & muscular tension in neck and shoulder.

c) Crypts located at internal collarette border - 77' & 125'  as embryological signs, indicates predisposition to adrenal fatigue and liver stress. Take note the frontal indentation of the collarette accompanied with adrenal fatigue indicate potential of post-natal depression, dysglycaemia and period disturbances. The linear and multiple collarette bridges amplified the blood sugar imbalance.
d) Double collarette or "Parallel Track" were formed at lateral temporal and superior temporal section of the collarette indicate PNEI interaction. It also signify migraines and depression which amplified by frontal indentation of the collarette and kidney insufficiency by tiny crypt located at topography areas of 168'.
e) Deep level of crypt located at internal collarette border - 125' indicate personal predisposition and family history of blood sugar imbalance. We have enormous evidence to proof that this person was inherited of pancreas dysfunction by showing a linear collarette and multiple bridges along the collarette border !
f) According to John Andrews researched, the ventral linear collarette indicate strong hypoglycaemic tendency manifested in utero !
g) Observe the multiple local indentation of the collarette at 200' & 235'  which co-sign with radial furrow that indicates possible cervical stress and pancreas dysfunction. Please also pay attention to Time Risk assessment !
Please compare the above findings with Rx-iris, if the result findings were appeared in both irises then these are indicate strong genetic deficiency inherited by this person and her family members. We are not tracing a potential genetic weakness for an individual but to his/her generations as well !

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Significant of Iris Signs - Rx - (tfy)

Please find the most significant iris signs that attract you as a practitioner for analyse. Look for a small, deep, solitary, the location and correlation of iris sign...Let me show you an some of the small, deep and darker crypts located at the different zones of iris, they are important signs that leading to greater genetic impact to an individual...They are more to be discovered of this stated condition..

A tiny defect sign or crypt attached to the external border of the collarette, this definitely is an important sign for practitioner to identify and explain to his/ her client. What does this means to you that an internal crypt located at internal collarette border, crossing by an extension bridges formation around the thickened collarette border ? Sometime, this is a need for practitioner to scrutinize each of every tiny iris sign that they are located in different zone, especially in pupillary zone. Because it brings a genetic impact on physical, emotional and embryological levels.

What can you see for this local area of inner pupillary border ?Does this area indicate as Space Risk or local atrophy of IPB ? 

Before we look into each of every crypt signs which located at external & internal border of the collarette, we should explain a potential genetic tendency of hypertrophy of the collarette, multiple radial furrows / minor rays radiate to the external of collarette and Corneal Arcus around the limbus. Obviously, this person have a genetic tendency of gastrointestinal disturbances, such as intestinal dysbiosis, intestinal polyposis, intestinal mucosal difficulties, congestion of intestinal lymph nodes, allergies, food intolerance, stagnant and fermenting colon leading to headache (radial furrows at frontal section of the topography areas), diverticulitis, ulcerative colitis and erratic blood sugar tendencies. All these can be seen by the genetic signs of:
1) General hypertrophy of the collarette.
2) Multiple crypts located around the pupillary zone.
3) Multiple radial furrows or minor rays around the external border of the collarette, whether  at  the frontal, temporal, ventral or nasal sections. Also look for it adjacent to organ topography areas.
4) Multiple bridges formation along the collarette border.
5) Linear formation at medial nasal section of the collarette.
After assessing the potential inheritance weakness of above mentioned, we move on to analyse in an advance levels by identifying the exact location of the crypts and analyse in physical, emotional and embryological levels... ( will be back...to say in advance, our next post will be emphasize on her collarette structure and sign on pupillary zone at Lx and then compare with the findings of Lx)
In this case, the crypts is indicated as multidimensional iris signs, the approaches as follow:
a) Crypts located at pupillary zone - 246' & 280' as Embryological signs, it indicates tendencies to nose problems and thyroid imbalance.
b) Crypt located at internal collarette border - 146', 246' & 280' as Citric Acid Cycle signs associate with Succinyl-CoA, Fumarate & Malic acid imbalance, it indicates Diabetes Mellitus, cardiac function, fungal diseases, hepatic stress, impaired liver function, dyslipidemia, some food intolerance and blood sugar imbalance tendencies.
c) Tiny crypts located at external collarette border at 42', 80' & 126' classically it represents nose related problems, thyroid gland imbalance and pancreas dysfunction. The smaller the sign, the greater genetic impact to this person !
Please identify the correlations signs as it enhance the meanings of genetic deficiency of this person, such as:
- Embryological sign at 280' & classical sign attached on the border of the collarette at 80', both of them are indicate predisposition to and family medical history of thyroid gland dysfunction.
- Multi-bridged collarette, linear collarette at medial nasal section, Succinyl-CoA & Malic acid imbalance and tiny crypt attached on the border of the collarette at 126', they all were highly indicate family genetic history of blood sugar imbalance.
- Embryological sign at 246' & classical sign at 42' both refer to nose related problems.

Important iris Signs at IPB, Pupil & Pupillary Zone Identify By MI Models - Lx (nsj)

Could you identify the important iris sign for this iris sample and compare your results with Rx. Always starting analyse with inner pupillary border first...

a) & c) As the squared IPB signs, it remain silence at pupillary and ciliary zone !
b) Buttonholes IPB
d) Dipigmented IPB at the ventral section of inner pupillary zone, indicative of premature ageing, oxidative stress, osteoarthritis and osteoporosis tendencies. The Space Risk 25 & Inferior Nasal Flatness at Rx plus this IPB sign demonstrate this person have a high tendency to the above mentioned genetic deficiency and bone fractures.

a) Closed lacuna attached on the external border of the collarette at 85', I would like to identify it as multidimensional iris sign, that can be analysed as follow:
- Classical sign of heart disease, you may refer back to citric acid sign at pupillary zone - 110' -Rx, indicate alpha-ketoglutarate acid imbalance, it amplify the condition of heart disease. Also pay attention to the cornea arcus around the limbus !
- Time Risk marking, possible traumatic event happened at the aged of 45.65.
- The psycho-emotional relate to a issue of authority.
b) Crypt located internal collarette border at 160' & 178' associate with Coenzyme A & Pyruvic acid imbalance indicate kidney & heart disease and blood sugar imbalance. Please compare these findings with Rx-iris

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Important Iris Signs at IPB, Pupil & Pupillary Zone Identify By Applying MI Models - Rx - (nsj)

Male, 64
Could you observe an important iris signs attached on this iris ? Look for IPB structure, shapes, spaces, pupil tonus and pupillary zone. First things first, set a priority to analyse the IPB then extend pupil and pupillary zone...

a) Local absence of the IPB at 160'- 170' signify space deficiency as Space Risk 25 & IPB Spinal that indicates potential of coccygial arthritis, sacroiliac joint pains and neuromuscular tension at sacrum. In addition, the Space Risk is conjunction with the pupil deformation of Inferior Nasal Flatness, it also highlights predispositions to and medical history of sacral, lumbar and coccyx injuries leading to leg problems, sciatica, osteoporosis or rheumatism tendencies. Both signs are enhance the meanings of the deficiency.
b) I think you should know about these IPB sign and it meaning. Take note that, all these genetic inheritance weakness also relate to his family members and can trace up to four generations.
c) The identified of correlation signs on Space Risk 25 & Inferior Nasal Flatness. I would like to recommend you reading the textbook of "Space Risk" by Dr. Daniele Lo Rito for your knowledge of understanding the fascinating of analysis IPB in space dimension !
d) The pupil flatness at the frontal section, namely Frontal Flattening, please explain the genetic weakness affected by this pupil deformation.

You may consider these three internal lacunae located at internal collarette border at 110', 175' & 250' as embryological and citric acid cycle assessment. The combination of these two techniques showing an individual and his family history inherited of kidneys, adrenals, sinusitis, blood sugar imbalance, cardiac fatigue and liver stress. Further checking of his family members iris is recommended. Please refer Dr. Daniele Lo Rito co-author with John Andrews, textbook of Embryology & Iridology, and Citric Acid Circle, the latest research by John Andrews, UK.

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Classical & Embryological Signs - Rx - (balan)

Male, 37
Observe the crypt located at internal border collarette - 208' as an embryological sign & defect sign attached on the external border of the collarette - 157', please identify a genetic tendency to this person...This is an example to show an embryological sign is enhance the meaning of genetic deficiency conjunction with a classical sign at 157'...
Both signs are indicated a predisposition or family history of prostate imbalance tendency !

IPB Morphology, Space Risk, Pupil Flattening, Endocrine Lacunae & Indentation of the Collarette - Lx - (lcf)

You turn for this iris sample, apply the concept that we had been discussed in previous posts...Less is more, More is less...

Crypts & Lacunae at Pupillary Zone, Internal & External Border of the Collarette - Rx - (lcf) - b

Multiple crypts and lacunae located at pupillary & humoral zones / external border of the collarette, that can be classified as Polyglandular structure. Practitioner should set  priority for analyzing a small or solitary iris sign, such as defect or crypt then moving to differential a lacuna located at the external border of the collarette.

Saturday, August 10, 2013

IPB Morphologies, Space Risk & Pupil Tonus - Rx - (lcf) - a

Male, 53
Please identify the IPB morphologies, the local absent of IPB tissue and multiple pupil flattenings along the pupil edge...

The IPB morphologies identified as follow:
a) V sign IPB
b) Globular sign
c) Local absent of the IPB at 45' indicate as a space deficiency, suggest Space Risk assessment.
d) Depigmented or Whitened IPB along the ventral section of IPB
e) I would suggest this structure tissue as S sign IPB
f) Tube shaped IPB
The most important thing for practitioner is to identified those inheritance weakness to his family members, such as children, parents, and siblings that had genetic tendency related to your findings. 

You may consider the pupil flattenings is part of important sign for showing the spinal cord condition, physical and emotional imbalance to this person, illustrated as below:
a) Superior nasal flatness - take note that this pupil flatness is adjacent to the Space risk 6, both are indicative of cervical muscular tension - neck and shoulder.
b) Ventral flatness - The ventral flatness and whitened IPB are correlate with osteoporosis problems. 
c) Inferior temporal flatness - take note that this pupil flatness is amplified by S sign IPB, in regard to blood sugar imbalance tendency.
Please refer to Dr.Ellen & John Andrews's textbook for clarification.

Crypts at Pupillary Zone & Internal Border Collarette - Embryology & Krebs Cycle Analysis - Rx & Lx - (lsf)

Female, 48
Please identify the multiple crypts located at pupillary zone & internal border of the collarette, they are multidimensional iris signs and is equally important for practitioner to analyse, understand and interpret for his client.Generally, that is recommend to apply Embryological Iridology & Citric Acid Cycle or Krebs Cycle Iris analysis techniques for this situation. If the humoral, ciliary & limbus zone they are silent, and no any iris & pupillary signs are present, then the embryological & CAC pupillary zone / topography is essential and will give greater accuracy for assessment.
a) An important embryological sign at 272' and 186'-Lx  indicative this person is predispose to breast related problem, as you can't see any iris sign attached to the lung or breast topography areas ! It also indicate a Prediabates & Dysglycaemia & heart stress associate with Malic & Succinate acid imbalance. In addition, the embryological sign at 235' indicate genetic inherited of pancreas dysfunction or blood sugar imbalance too !
b) Crypt at 208' -Rx & 155'-Lx, both of them represent urinary bladder deficiency. In cellular level, it signify Succinate & Succinyl-CoA acids imbalance, associate with Diabetes Mellitus, cardiac stress and Anaemia tendencies.
c)  Crypt at 185' & 95'-Lx embryologically indicate kidneys insufficiency with Succinate & d-isocitrate acids imbalance.
d) Crypt at 160' associate with Coenzyme A imbalance.
e) Crypt at 75' predispose to adrenal fatigue in embryological level and Cis-aconitate imbalance in Krebs Cycle analysis. 

Friday, August 09, 2013

IPB Morphologies, Embryological Sign & Local Indentation of the Collarette - (vija) - Lx

Please identify the a & b IPB morphologies and the internal lacuna located internal collarette border, they are correlate to endocrine system imbalance... You may consider the indentation of the collarette at 238' - Rx also contribute the above mentioned problem...

The N sign IPB accompany with Butterfly IPB at ventral section of the IPB tissues, crypt at internal collarette border 125' as embryological sign & local indentation of the collarette at 238', indicative of predisposition and family genetic history of  impaired liver function and poor fat metabolism ! Please compare this to Rx-iris assessment results.