Saturday, August 10, 2013

Crypts at Pupillary Zone & Internal Border Collarette - Embryology & Krebs Cycle Analysis - Rx & Lx - (lsf)

Female, 48
Please identify the multiple crypts located at pupillary zone & internal border of the collarette, they are multidimensional iris signs and is equally important for practitioner to analyse, understand and interpret for his client.Generally, that is recommend to apply Embryological Iridology & Citric Acid Cycle or Krebs Cycle Iris analysis techniques for this situation. If the humoral, ciliary & limbus zone they are silent, and no any iris & pupillary signs are present, then the embryological & CAC pupillary zone / topography is essential and will give greater accuracy for assessment.
a) An important embryological sign at 272' and 186'-Lx  indicative this person is predispose to breast related problem, as you can't see any iris sign attached to the lung or breast topography areas ! It also indicate a Prediabates & Dysglycaemia & heart stress associate with Malic & Succinate acid imbalance. In addition, the embryological sign at 235' indicate genetic inherited of pancreas dysfunction or blood sugar imbalance too !
b) Crypt at 208' -Rx & 155'-Lx, both of them represent urinary bladder deficiency. In cellular level, it signify Succinate & Succinyl-CoA acids imbalance, associate with Diabetes Mellitus, cardiac stress and Anaemia tendencies.
c)  Crypt at 185' & 95'-Lx embryologically indicate kidneys insufficiency with Succinate & d-isocitrate acids imbalance.
d) Crypt at 160' associate with Coenzyme A imbalance.
e) Crypt at 75' predispose to adrenal fatigue in embryological level and Cis-aconitate imbalance in Krebs Cycle analysis. 

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