Saturday, August 24, 2013

Important Iris Signs at IPB, Pupil & Pupillary Zone Identify By Applying MI Models - Rx - (nsj)

Male, 64
Could you observe an important iris signs attached on this iris ? Look for IPB structure, shapes, spaces, pupil tonus and pupillary zone. First things first, set a priority to analyse the IPB then extend pupil and pupillary zone...

a) Local absence of the IPB at 160'- 170' signify space deficiency as Space Risk 25 & IPB Spinal that indicates potential of coccygial arthritis, sacroiliac joint pains and neuromuscular tension at sacrum. In addition, the Space Risk is conjunction with the pupil deformation of Inferior Nasal Flatness, it also highlights predispositions to and medical history of sacral, lumbar and coccyx injuries leading to leg problems, sciatica, osteoporosis or rheumatism tendencies. Both signs are enhance the meanings of the deficiency.
b) I think you should know about these IPB sign and it meaning. Take note that, all these genetic inheritance weakness also relate to his family members and can trace up to four generations.
c) The identified of correlation signs on Space Risk 25 & Inferior Nasal Flatness. I would like to recommend you reading the textbook of "Space Risk" by Dr. Daniele Lo Rito for your knowledge of understanding the fascinating of analysis IPB in space dimension !
d) The pupil flatness at the frontal section, namely Frontal Flattening, please explain the genetic weakness affected by this pupil deformation.

You may consider these three internal lacunae located at internal collarette border at 110', 175' & 250' as embryological and citric acid cycle assessment. The combination of these two techniques showing an individual and his family history inherited of kidneys, adrenals, sinusitis, blood sugar imbalance, cardiac fatigue and liver stress. Further checking of his family members iris is recommended. Please refer Dr. Daniele Lo Rito co-author with John Andrews, textbook of Embryology & Iridology, and Citric Acid Circle, the latest research by John Andrews, UK.

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