Sunday, August 25, 2013

Important iris Signs at IPB, Pupil & Pupillary Zone Identify By MI Models - Lx (nsj)

Could you identify the important iris sign for this iris sample and compare your results with Rx. Always starting analyse with inner pupillary border first...

a) & c) As the squared IPB signs, it remain silence at pupillary and ciliary zone !
b) Buttonholes IPB
d) Dipigmented IPB at the ventral section of inner pupillary zone, indicative of premature ageing, oxidative stress, osteoarthritis and osteoporosis tendencies. The Space Risk 25 & Inferior Nasal Flatness at Rx plus this IPB sign demonstrate this person have a high tendency to the above mentioned genetic deficiency and bone fractures.

a) Closed lacuna attached on the external border of the collarette at 85', I would like to identify it as multidimensional iris sign, that can be analysed as follow:
- Classical sign of heart disease, you may refer back to citric acid sign at pupillary zone - 110' -Rx, indicate alpha-ketoglutarate acid imbalance, it amplify the condition of heart disease. Also pay attention to the cornea arcus around the limbus !
- Time Risk marking, possible traumatic event happened at the aged of 45.65.
- The psycho-emotional relate to a issue of authority.
b) Crypt located internal collarette border at 160' & 178' associate with Coenzyme A & Pyruvic acid imbalance indicate kidney & heart disease and blood sugar imbalance. Please compare these findings with Rx-iris

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