Sunday, March 17, 2013

Micro View in Collarette Bridge Co-Sign with Melanin Pigment - Rx - (fat)

Female, 11
Collarette bridge co-sign with tiny melanin pigment at the ventral section of the collarette and accompanied with crypt & minor ray indicates multiple levels of interpretation... 
Observe these subtle combination iris signs as follow:
a) Collarette Bridge at 188'~210'
b) Tiny melanin pigment located on the collarette bridge at 191' indicates
- Time Risk sign: traumatic event / emotional trauma during gestation period, it relates to her mother emotional condition - feeling of rejection, bitterness, resentment, suppression, emotional blockage. The smaller the pigment, the deeper the trauma emotional ! 
- Emotional Dynamics of the Collarette signify to epigenetic emotion - conflict of partnership, possible relates to her parents.
c) Crypt located internal collarette border at 191' indicates:
- Embryological sign relate to genetic predisposition to uterus stress.
- Cellular Iridology Citric Acid Cycle relates to Succinate imbalance tendency to potential emotional stress and cardiac condition.
d) Radial Furrow / minor ray at 188' relate to cervix stress, embryological sign at 191' is highlighted.

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