Sunday, March 17, 2013

Distended Collarette, Collarette Bridges, Indented & Internal Lacuna -Time Risk, Emotional Dynamics of the Collarette, Embryological & Cellular Iridology Analysis- Lx

Male, 53
Observe the distended collarette with lacunae attached on the external border of the collarette, indented lacuna & collarette bridge structures with consider in multidimensional iridology approaches...An importance signs were an indented lacuna with bridge formation at 145', internal lacuna at 84' as multidimensional sign and heart lacuna at 88' as well !
The following is an important iris sign as below:
a) Cardiovascular lacuna - 84'
b) Embryological kidney sign - 88'
c) Bridge crossing over the internal lacuna (embryological sign) - 88'
d) An indentation of the lacuna corresponded to hypertrophy bridge formation - 145' indicates potential testicular disturbances and Time Risk sign ! Draw you attention to this indented lacuna under this distended collarette - Paternal DNA Dominant !
e) Closed lacuna located at 135' signify as pancreas sign ( remember: spleen does not manufacture lacuna !) correlates with collarette bridge.
f) Please interpret this adrenal lacuna in emotional level !
g) Another important genetic sign at 205' or prostate lacuna corresponded with the sign at 145'.

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