Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Micro View in "Correlation Signs" - Rx - (sari)

Female, 38
observe the pupillary zone surrounded with rarefaction of iris fibers and multiple crypts around the stomach and colon zones. In classical view this indicate tendency to gastrointestinal disturbances, the client claimed that she has a gastric and constipation problem. Please to observe and look for different layers of iris which would  provides more evidence and enhance the accuracy of your finding on this genetic predisposition weakness. Please see the below picture and focus on the IPB structures..Practically,  I would like to emphasis on finding & analyzing the "correlation signs" in different layers & zones of an iris via applying modern iridological approaches...

Observe the local absent of the IPB at 97' signify Space Risk evaluation, Space Risk 13 indicate gastrointestinal disturbances and gastric ulcers genetically correlations with multiple crypts at gastrointestinal reflex areas and also justified with her present health problem.

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