Thursday, March 14, 2013

Mammilations, Radial Furrows & The Collarette Structure - Rx - (shang)

Female, 24
Observe this Haematogenic Iris Constitution, B2 type, subtype by Neurogenic Structure. The mammilations, Radial Furrows at the frontal section of the iris, solitary lacuna attached on the external border of the collarette and the collarette structure...

a) Set priority to analyse the solitary lacuna attached on the external border of the collarette - 235'.
b) An indentation of the collarette at 125' signify multiple levels of interpretation such as Classical, Time Risk, Emotional Dynamics of the Collarette, The Cellular Iridology-Citric Acid Cycle and The Immune Cell & PNEI analysis.
c) Linear collarette at 55'~90' correlates with solitary lacuna at 235' !
d) Multiple Radial Furrows / Major Rays located at the frontal section of the collarette - 340', 355 & 31' signify Classical & Embryological approaches. I suggest Time Risk concern at 31' & 355' as it radial formed deeper than others..
e) The contraction furrows is considered normal and doesn't affect much in this case.
f) Observe the mammilations formation along the ciliary zone as indicate as Macrophages in iridology ! Interpret this in Physical & Emotional levels ( refer John Andrews "Yellow Textbook")

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