Monday, March 11, 2013

IPB Morphologies, Krebs Cycle, Time Risk, Embryology & The Emotional Dynamics of the Collarette Analysis - Rx - (winn)

This solitary melanin pigment/Hedgehog pigment is located within the internal & external border of the collarette, suggest apply The Krebs Cycle & Embryological Analysis...Also take note the brown pigment is co-sign with an internal lacuna located at pupillary zone...look at the radial furrow at 360', linear collarette at medial nasal section, focus the breaks in contraction furrows... much more to explore...

Female, 44
Observe the importance iris signs stated as below, set priority for IPB morphologies, hypothalamus, solitary & co-sign -
a) Squared shape at the frontal of the IPB.
b) Double IPBs at the lateral temporal section of the IPB.
c) Flat shaped of IPB (new sign) at the inferior temporal section of the IPB.
d) Squared shape of IPB at medial nasal section of the IPB.
e) An important solitary melanin pigment located within the internal & external collarette border - 55' with the crypts (12', 62', 110', 115', 230', 240', 258' & 305') seated inside the internal collarette border signifies the Cellular Iridology- Citric Acid Cycle/ Krebs Cycle, Embryological, The Emotional Dynamics of the Collarette, Time Risk & the melanin colouration meaning by itself in Physical and Emotional levels. You may try to apply the above modern iris analysis techniques particular in this iris zones !
f) An important sign of Radial Furrow radiate from the collarette border to ciliary zone at 360' indicate compromise in hypothalamus gland  !
g) Linear Collarette at medial nasal section.
h) An important solitary closed lacuna attached on the external border of the collarette - 205' indicate a genetic predisposition to ovarian stress !
i) Observe the break areas of contraction furrows at 205' & 275' indicating the topographical areas were under cellular regeneration, oxygeneration and neuromuscular tension.
j) An important internal lacuna co-sign with melanin pigment at 55'~60'  ! This particular embryology pupillary zone provide a vital important genetic data for practitioner to interpret for the client in physical, emotional, embryological and cellular levels ! 

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