Saturday, March 16, 2013

Classical, Embryological, Emotional Dynamics of the Collarette & Time Risk Signs - Major & Minor Rays at 360' & 15' - Lx - (shang)

Female, 24
Observe the radial furrows, minor ray at 360' & major ray at 15' signify Classical, Embryological and Time Risk evaluation.
a) Minor ray located at 360' indicates compromise in hypothalamus stress and Time Risk Sign of Birth Trauma.
b) Major ray located at 15' radiate from the edge of IPB crossing pupillary zone and toward to ciliary  area  suggests Classical, Embryological and Time Risk evaluation :
- Classical view as compromise in limbic system and pineal gland.
- Embryological relates to pituitary stress, oesophagus & ear related problems.
- Time Risk Sign concern with stress during her gestation period and possibly relate to her mother emotional state during the pregnancy time period. In addition, the radial furrow at 360' might showing an evidence experience of difficult birth trauma, possible premature or late delivery, a deep and profound trauma !It also can be related to the birth of her own child !
c) Emotional Dynamics of the Collarette relates to compromise in limbic system and is a central to the PNEI network-360' & issue of creative thought - 15'.

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