Sunday, February 10, 2013

Orange Central Heterochromia, Brushfiled's Spots, Orange Pigmented, Distended & Frontal Cat's Ears Collarette - Lx

(Photo used with permission by Susan Laing M.Ir.N.H.F.Dip.)

Observe the multiple correlation iris signs in different layers of iris zone with multidimensional views: 
Generally, orange pigments indicate a family history of blood sugar imbalance, pancreas & hepatic dysfunction, diabetes mellitus or hypoglycaemia tendencies.
a) Orange Central Heterochromia : According to John Andrews, it possibly indicates
- Blood sugar imbalance tendency.
- Tendency to constipation and bowel irregularity when under stress, attention to duodenal condition.
- Eating disorders.
- Fear of nourishment & protection of inner vulnerability.
b) Orange Pigmented Collarette- genetic tendency to pancreas dysfunction , irregularity of blood sugar , dysglycaemia, emotional imbalance, improper diet and elevated histamine tendency (John Andrews).
c) Distended & Frontal Cat's Ears Collarette :
- Tendency to bloating, flatulence, dysbiosis and poor assimilation when under stress.
- A distended collarette indicate an embryological and emotional inheritance from the paternal genetics. 
- Cat's Ears indicate a genetic predisposition to insomnia, depression and anxiety. In my opinion, these inherited behavioral possibly is offset by his personality of openness and honesty by embryological structural of distended collarette !
d) Internal lacuna co-sign with melanin pigment at 295' internal border of the collarette :
- A solitary  melanin pigment indicate a genetic liver deficiency.
- It stayed topolabile at the distended border of the collarette at 295' indicates an emotional  issue of impatience, petulance, anger & resentment, exparation, suppression of expression, these negative emotions was inheritance from the  paternal genetic. The conflict or negative emotional issues is  concerned with maternal side and could be already be resolved !. 
- Time Risk sign : This emotional trauma possibly happens at the childhood age of 11 or an old age of 70.5 (low possibility - too old to have conflict with his mother !)
This melanin pigment is a multidimensional, genetic & epigenetic sign ! The combination of Emotional Dynamics of the Collarette, Distended Collarette & Melanin Pigment in emotional approach,  Mother & Father Principle - Identifying Parental Conflict & Resentment of the Collarette & Time Risk analysis techniques.
- In addition  an internal lacuna co-sign with a melanin pigment at pupillary zone at 295' indicate blood sugar imbalance, psycho-emotional relate to an experience of betrayal, the emotioal trauma happened at the Time Risk age of 70.5. The Practitioner is not advice to predict the future and the Time Risk assessment is not recommend go beyond the current age of the client !
e) Orange Brushfield's Spots accompanied with brown pigments at 315', 290' & 265'- It is an importance indication of  possibly chronic condition on the topography areas :nose, trachea & bronchials that relate to breathing and respiration condition, potential of asthma problem.
f) Orange pigmented "lymph cords" arise from the humoral extended to ciliary zone connected with brushfield,s spot - indicate a disturbance of lymph nodes and suggest non-com pliancy with " Therapy Resistance".
g) Frontal pupil flatness at 355'~15'- indicates tendencies for headaches, migraines, cervical vertebral tension, insomnia and depression that correlate with Cat's Ears Collarette !
h) Honeycomb lacuna co-sign with brown pigment at 70' :
- A "Wormnest" or "Cryptiform" lacuna formation side the collarette or pupillary zone, according to John Andrews, it indicates disturbed in cellular metabolism resulting in insufficient tissues nutrition, tendencies to severe weakness ( 3rd Edition, Iris & pupillary Signs)
- The honeycomb lacuna located inside the embryology pupillary zone, suggest an embryological sign indicates tendency to adrenal or splenic cysts
i) Internal lacuna at 100'- an embryological sign signify adrenal fatigue and stress, that correlates with frontal flatness & embryological sign - 70' (inside the collarette -honeycomb) 

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