Tuesday, February 12, 2013

The Colour, Size, Density & Location of Iris Pigmentation - Lx

Please identify the colour, size, density & location of these multiple pigments located at different layers and zones of iris , which one do you think is the most important and priority for the iris assessment ? The human iris is only 12mm in diameter, find the nearest toward the pupil & adjacent to IPB is paramount for assessment ! 

The above iris photos showing three different layers of pigment locations, Which location do you think is the most important and priority for iris assessment? Actually they are equally important for analyse via applying Multidimensional iridology approach... The multiple levels of  interpretation in physical and psycho-emotional levels comprise of :
a) Space Risk
b) Spinal IPB
c) Time Risk
d) The Emotional Dynamics of the Collarette
e) Embryology
Please  response on which orange pigment have carry multiple meanings for the above mentioned ? The smaller the pigment the greater significant genetic impact on that person !
a) The vital important of orange pigment adjacent to IPB at 180' signifies multidimensional interpretation in Space Risk, Spinal Neuromuscular, Embryological, Emotional & Classical approaches:
- Space Risk 26 indicate tendencies to hemorrhoids, sigmoid diverticulosis and neuro-muscular tension at coccyx areas with pain condition. Psycho-emotional concerns with tendency to withhold and ability to let go and forgive ( please refer to IPB textbook by Dr. Daniele Lo Rito).
- Embryological sign leading to hypothalamus stress.
b) Multiple small orange pigment located inside border of  the collarette & pupillary zone- 240' & 260'signify Embryological, The Emotional Dynamics of the Collarette & Time Risk analysis  
- Observe closely an orange pigment- 240' located inside border of the collarette & suggest applying the combination iris analysis techniques of Embryology, The Emotional Dynamics of the Collarette & Time Risk - Comprehensively, it indicating a genetic predisposition to blood sugar imbalance, deep-seated unresolved emotional issue of betrayal and the traumatic event/emotional stress possibly happened at the age 20 !
- Potential disturbance in ileum (classical view)
- The 260' orange pigment located at the pupillary zone closer to IPB, classical view it relate to stomach disturbances, indigestion problems. The experience of betrayal may concern with paternal principle.
c) The third group of orange pigments located at the external border of the collarette - 105' & 98' is equally importance for Modern Iridologist to analyse and interpret in multiple levels. In this aspect, the experience of  emotional traumas, possible is relate to mother principle.  Please refer to John Andrews research topic on "Mother & Father Principle- Identifying Parental Conflict & Resentment of the Collarette" .

Do you think these two orange pigments located at 0'/360' & 180' forming The Stress Axis ? If we look carefully the small pigment of 0' is located at the ciliary zone and not at the external border of the collarette ! To fulfill the requirement of The HPA-Stress Axis, the structural sign either is closed lacuna, crypt, defect sign, radial furrow or pigment must attached on the border of the collarrette at 0/360' & 180' degree. In this case the small pigment even thought was at 0'/360' but does not attached on the frontal border of the collarette ! So, I would suggest it indicate a stress in between the topographical areas of  hippocampus & hypothalamus.

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