Sunday, February 10, 2013

The Dynamics of the Collarette - Zig-Zag, Double, Orange Pigment & Indented Collarette - Rx

(Photo used with permission by Susan Laing M.Ir N.H.F.Dip.)

Observe the Lymphatic Iris Constitution, subtype by Polyglandular structure. A preliminary assessment as below:
a) General Zig-Zag formation of the collarette.
b) Observe multiple indented lacunae at the border of the collarette.
c) Multiple orange pigment attached on the frontal section of the collarette is set priority for analysis.
d) Double collarette at lateral temporal section of the collarette.
e) As under polyglandular structure, look for smallest lacuna attached on the border of the collarette, such as lacunae at 110' & 130' indicates genetic predisposition to blood sugar imbalance and thymus gland deficiency. Psycho-emotional relates mother issues in regard to perceived lack of bond with mother and experience of betrayal !

I would like to highlight the most importance iris signs of this iris presentation-
 a) An indentation of the collarette by indented lacuna at 80' towards to edge of the IPB indicates genetic predisposition to thyroid imbalance or family medical history of hypothyroidism. Time Risk marking, indicate potential unresolved deep seated emotional trauma will happening at the age of 46.5, and it might relates to paternal, issues of fear, anger and suppression of expression.
b) Closed lacuna co-sign with orange pigment at 295' & 305' indicates predisposition to blood sugar imbalance or pancreas dysfunction tendency in family history and the experience of betrayal and is more readily addressed (cause the pancreas lacuna located at the frontal section of the iris).
c) Localised orange pigment located at 335' on the border of the collarette, potential unresolved emotional issue of separation, resentment and potentially of bitterness. Time Risk marking - potential experience emotional trauma during childhood age at 4 or the age at 64
d)An indented lacuna toward to pupillary zone & IPB at 355' signify stress in pituitary gland and compromised of limbic system. Psycho-emotional relate to experience of bereavement and potentially with unresolved grief and fear of dependence. 
Time Risk sign trigger as birth trauma or emotional trauma at age 60.5 !. In summary, the Time Risk or emotional trauma was happened, happening or potentially become happen, the timing will trigger at the degree of 80', 335' & 355' !

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