Thursday, November 22, 2012

Multidimensional Iridology Approaches - Rx - (goon)

Please try to identify  what alphabetical signs is embedded along the frontal IPB structure ? Identify on different layers of an iris sign carry a multilevel meaning for an Iridologist to decode, such as a frontal section of the major rays/ radial furrows emanates from the edge of IPB crossing pupillary zone towards to ciliary zone, localised indentation of the collarette and frontal pupil flattening those iris signs can be interpreted in multidimensional levels ! I would suggest  sharpen you view and broaden your views via applying Modern Multidimensional  Iridological approaches...

IPB Archeology - an opposite " V " shape & letter of " N " !

Aplying Multidimensional Iridology Enhance The Classical Iridological Approaches - Rx & Lx - (ravin)

Observe the localised indentation of the collarette at 152' and a crypt at the inner pupillary zone- 210' - Rx with tiny solitary melanin pigment at the border of inner embryology zone - 150' - Lx. Please identify their correlations which located in different layers of  an iris zone . You may consider an embryological sign at 230' correspond to a classical sign of small lacuna attached on the border of the collarette - 236' - Rx ! Consider of their correlationship ...

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Solitary Melanin Pigment at Inner Border of the Pupillary Zone & Converge Contraction Furrows - (prab) - Lx

Male, 20
a) An important solitary melanin pigment located in between at the border of the collarette at 70' signify multiple meaning and analysis of an iris ( Multidimensional Iridology Approaches) :
- Brown pigment indicates potential of liver stress involvement and psycho-emotional relates to anger and resentment.
- Classical view relates to family history of cardiovascular or heart problem. Observe the lacuna at 95' !
- Embryological view concerns with spleen deficiency and possible with adrenal fatigue.
- The Emotional Dynamics of the Collarette indicates a person might encounter an emotional imbalance or barrier possible relates to his family problems. 
- Time Risk Sign !
b) Multiple contraction furrows with breaks, converges or terminates at topographical areas - 125', 130' & 133' indicates predisposition to spleen insufficiency.

Ventral Sectoral Heterochromia - (prab) - Rx

Identify the colour and location of the sectoral heterochromia, the brown pigment and located at ventral section of the ciliary zone indicates possible of liver stress (brown colour) and kidney insufficiency ( topography zone for kidney). Sectoral Heterochromia is a birth defect and embryological marking on the iris, it also relates to a damage within the womb, according to John Andrews.

Localised Absent of the IPB & Lacunae Attached on the Collarette - Rx - (subra)

Observe the morphology & structure of the IPB, the surface and pupillary shape, inner pupillary zone, the collarette structure, ciliary then finally to limbus zone or the edge of the iris.In this case, observe the immunological changes with potential weaknesses presented by multiple lacunae attached on the border of the collarette, you may look for the micro change of the IPB, pay attention to a localised absence of the IPB at the ventral section of the IPB structure... Identify the Space Risk in term of physical and emotional levels, collect and compare the findings with different layer of the iris ! 
The deep genetic impact for a person is predominantly derive from the most inner layer of the iris !! 

Inferior Temporal Lateral Distension of the Collarette - Rx - (ross)

Right Sided Inferior Temporal lateral Distension of the Collarette - indicates possible of  ileo-caecal problems, liver stress involvement, poor intestinal peristalsis, menstruation imbalance and IBS problems !

IPB Morphology & Extroflession of the IPB - (ross) - Rx

a) Suggest external curvature of cat's claw IPB. 
b) Extroflession of the IPB, the structure extend to pupillary zone, suggest Space Risk evaluation !

Distended, Squared & Sectoral Absent of the Collarette - (ross) - Lx

a) Distended with squared formation of the collarette indicates tendency to flatulence, bloating, gas in the stomach, poor assimilation of nutrients, a family history of autoimmune Diabetes mellitus, compromised adrenal function and possible of anxiety syndromes.
b) Sectional absence of the collarette at 275' to 330' indicates tendency to malabsorption, observe the gap of adjacent organ topography, in this case the topographical areas of heart and pancreas is highlighted, it indicates possible of family history of  heart stress and blood sugar imbalance problems ( amplified by squared collarette !). Time Risk factor is calculated by taking the mid point of absence of the collarette - 302.5' , the traumatic event possible happened during the age of 10 !

IPB Morphologies - (ross) - Lx

a) Buttonhole structure of the IPB.
b) Rectangular shape at the ventral section of the IPB.
Please refer to Dr. Lo Rito & John Andrews textbook for explanation. 

Monday, November 19, 2012

Frontal Pupil Flatness & Embryological Signs - Lx - (lny)

Apply Embryological & Classical Iridology approaches to analyse and examine the Lx iris and then compare the findings with Rx.

Localised Absence of the IPB, Frontal Flatness & Embryology Pupillary Zone - Rx- (lny)

Female, 57
An importance iris signs to be observed
a) Localised absence of the IPB at 285', 304' & 316' signify Space Risk evaluation. Space Risk 10, 7 & 6 indicates predisposition to lung stress, bronchitis problems, thyroid dysfunction and muscular tension in neck and shoulder.
b) Frontal flatness of the pupil at 345' to 13' indicates psycho-emotional imbalance, headache, migraines, vertigo and muscular tension in the spinal area of cervical vertebrae ( amplified by Space Risk 6 !)
c) Embryological signs located inside the collarette at 185', 235', 275' & 285' indicates potential stress in uterus ( uterine fibroid), pancreas dysfunction ( blood sugar imbalance), breast problem and thyroid deficiency ( correlate with Space Risk 7 !) 
d) Lacuna attached on the border of the collarette - 305' signify blood sugar imbalance ( correlate with embryological sign at 235' !)

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Stress Axis, Closed Lacunae Attached & Indentation of the Collarette - Rx - (kama)

a) The Stress Axis formation by radial furrow at 0' and an indentation of the collarette at 180', compromise of Hypothalamus, Pituitary and Adrenal glands. Birth trauma at 0' !
b) Localised indentation of the collarette at 125' consider blood sugar imbalance, gastrointestinal disturbances and Time Risk Sign !
c) Lacunae attached on the collarette at 56' & 290' indicates a medical family history of blood sugar imbalance.

Pupil Flattening & Embryological Signs - (fsp) - Lx

a) Pupil Flattening:
- Superior Temporal Flatness - 44'~65' indicates hearing and balance problem, possible of vertigo, tinnitus, muscular tension in neck and shoulder, spinal subluxations in between C2 & C7.
- Inferior Nasal Flatness - 240'~252' indicates a medical history of sacral, lumbar and coccyx injuries, osteoporosis, renal disturbances, arthritis, fatigue, polycystic kidneys and urinary infections.  In females, it correlation with uterine problem such as difficult pregnancies  fibroid  cervical dysplasia and hormonal imbalances in adrenal glands 
b) Brown pigment located at inner pupillary zone-70' represent an embryological sign relates to spleen insufficiency and adrenal stress (correlate with inferior nasal flatness).
c) Closed lacuna attached on the border of the collarette co-sign with melanin pigment - 70' indicates high possibility predisposition to heart disease.
d) Closed lacunae attached on the border of the collarette - 135', 150' & 165' indicates potential of blood sugar imbalance, ovary and cervical stress (correlate with inferior nasal flatness).