Sunday, November 18, 2012

Pupil Flattening & Embryological Signs - (fsp) - Lx

a) Pupil Flattening:
- Superior Temporal Flatness - 44'~65' indicates hearing and balance problem, possible of vertigo, tinnitus, muscular tension in neck and shoulder, spinal subluxations in between C2 & C7.
- Inferior Nasal Flatness - 240'~252' indicates a medical history of sacral, lumbar and coccyx injuries, osteoporosis, renal disturbances, arthritis, fatigue, polycystic kidneys and urinary infections.  In females, it correlation with uterine problem such as difficult pregnancies  fibroid  cervical dysplasia and hormonal imbalances in adrenal glands 
b) Brown pigment located at inner pupillary zone-70' represent an embryological sign relates to spleen insufficiency and adrenal stress (correlate with inferior nasal flatness).
c) Closed lacuna attached on the border of the collarette co-sign with melanin pigment - 70' indicates high possibility predisposition to heart disease.
d) Closed lacunae attached on the border of the collarette - 135', 150' & 165' indicates potential of blood sugar imbalance, ovary and cervical stress (correlate with inferior nasal flatness).

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