Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Distended, Squared & Sectoral Absent of the Collarette - (ross) - Lx

a) Distended with squared formation of the collarette indicates tendency to flatulence, bloating, gas in the stomach, poor assimilation of nutrients, a family history of autoimmune Diabetes mellitus, compromised adrenal function and possible of anxiety syndromes.
b) Sectional absence of the collarette at 275' to 330' indicates tendency to malabsorption, observe the gap of adjacent organ topography, in this case the topographical areas of heart and pancreas is highlighted, it indicates possible of family history of  heart stress and blood sugar imbalance problems ( amplified by squared collarette !). Time Risk factor is calculated by taking the mid point of absence of the collarette - 302.5' , the traumatic event possible happened during the age of 10 !

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