Monday, November 19, 2012

Localised Absence of the IPB, Frontal Flatness & Embryology Pupillary Zone - Rx- (lny)

Female, 57
An importance iris signs to be observed
a) Localised absence of the IPB at 285', 304' & 316' signify Space Risk evaluation. Space Risk 10, 7 & 6 indicates predisposition to lung stress, bronchitis problems, thyroid dysfunction and muscular tension in neck and shoulder.
b) Frontal flatness of the pupil at 345' to 13' indicates psycho-emotional imbalance, headache, migraines, vertigo and muscular tension in the spinal area of cervical vertebrae ( amplified by Space Risk 6 !)
c) Embryological signs located inside the collarette at 185', 235', 275' & 285' indicates potential stress in uterus ( uterine fibroid), pancreas dysfunction ( blood sugar imbalance), breast problem and thyroid deficiency ( correlate with Space Risk 7 !) 
d) Lacuna attached on the border of the collarette - 305' signify blood sugar imbalance ( correlate with embryological sign at 235' !)

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