Monday, April 09, 2012

IPB Morphologies/ Space Risk/Pupillary Flattenings - Lx - (abd) - a

Observe the importance genetic iris signs as below :
1) IPB Morphologies :
a) Take note that the IPB diameter is less than 50 micron and is not classify as absence of the IPB
b) Globular sign - gastrointestinal disturbances, intestinal dysbiosis tendency, correlation with Space Risk 19.
c) Cylindrical shaped of IPB - Nerve blockage and heart disease problems.
2) Space Risk :
d) Multiple local absence of the IPB - 25', 130', 142', 150' & 192' suggests Space Risk 3, 19, 21, 23 & 25 indicates :
- Potential tendencies to Facial neuralgia, psoriasis, intestinal dysbiosis, varicosities, stress in lumbar spine, prostate disturbances, arthritis and joint pains.We examine the Space Risk in relation to other iris signs in Rx & Lx !
- The sectional local absence of the IPB at 130', 142' & 150' - also indicate spinal stress in lumbar vertebrae. 
3) Pupillary Flattenings
e) Frontal Flatness - 345'~15' indicates ;
- Tendencies for headaches, migraines, sleep disorder problem, fatigue and upper cervical vertebrae tension correlation with radial furrow at 340'-Rx.
f) Superior Nasal Flatness - 37'~50' indicates :
- Neuromuscular tension in cervical vertebrae at C4-37' & C6-50'.
- Tendency to visual and sinusitis problems correlation with radial furrow at 35'-Rx.
- Potential of poor in concentration and vertigo.
g) Medial Nasal Flatness - 70'~90' indicates :
- Tendencies to breathing problem, thyroid gland imbalance.
- Neuromuscular tension in thoracic vertebrae from T3~T6.
- Family history of cardiac stress, correspond to cylindrical IPB & indentation of the lacunae at 255' & 270'-Rx. 
- Correspond to Rx-Medial Nasal Flatness - 70'~85'.
h) Superior Temporal Flatness - 310'~335' indicates :
- Tendencies to hearing problems, vertigo or tinnitus.
- Neuromuscular tension in cervical vertebrae from C4~C7, muscular tension in neck and shoulders.
- Correspond to Rx-Superior Temporal Flatness - 295'~335'.

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