Monday, April 09, 2012

Constricted, Hypertrophy & Local Indentation of the Collarette/ Radial Furrows/ Lacunae on Border Collarette - Lx - (abd) - b

1) Observe the importance sign of  closed lacunae attached on the border of the collarette / humoral zone - immunology and endocrine system consideration and place secondary concern in ciliary zone.
2) Verify the Time Risk signs on the collarette - Indentation of the collarette, Major rays & radial co-sign with lacuna - TR1,2,3 & 4.
3) Support your findings by identify the correlations of structural signs in different layers and zones of the iris :
IPB Morphologies - Space Risk - Pupillary Flattenings - Collarette Structures- Closed Lacunae/Crypts/Radial Furrows > they all are looping together, interconnected  and interrelated to present a genetic blueprint in an irides !

1) Closed Lacunae attached on the border of the collarette :
a) 75' ,105' & 295'- indicates family history of cardiovascular risk, heart disease problem correspond to Cylindrical IPB - Lx , Medial Nasal Flatness-Lx/Rx & Indentation of the lacuna - Rx - 255' & 270'.
b) 115' & 135' - indicates family history of blood sugar imbalance correlation with lacunae attached on the border of the collarette - 63' & 235' -Rx.
c) 170' - signify adrenal fatigue and kidneys insufficiency. ( The client medical confirmed with kidneys cysts)
d) 258' - indicates predisposition to thyroid gland imbalance, possibly family history of hypothyroidism correlations with Squared IPB-Rx & Medial Nasal Flatness - 70'~ 90' -Lx & 70'~85' -Rx & lacuna attached on the border of the collarette - 77' & 87' - Rx.
e) 300' - Double Pancreatic Lacuna indicates a genetic tendency to pancreatic cysts !
2) Radial Furrows - Major & Minor Rays attached on the frontal cerebral reflex zone :
a) Time Risk markings for 358', 170', & 15' indicates potential traumatic or stress events occurs at the age of infant <0, possibly birth trauma - 358', 31.5-170' & 57-15'.
b) An indentation of the collarette - 80' indicates cardiac arrest problem, a genetic tendency to family history of heart disease. We may finds a sufficient evidences to confirm this genetic weaknesses in both irides !
c) Physical relates to limbic system compromise & hypothalamus disturbances - 335', 358' & 15'. Minor ray at 40' concerns with ear hearing problems correlation with Superior Temporal Flatness - 310'~335' - Lx & 295'~335'- Rx. 

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