Sunday, April 08, 2012

Correlation Signs - IPB Morphologies/ Pupillary Flattenings/ Radial Furrows/ Lacunae - Rx - (abd) - b

Please observe the correlation signs in different layers of the iris, it signify and amplify a genetic impact on individual and family constellations.
1) IPB Morphologies :
a) Squared IPB correlation with Medial Nasal Flatness - 70'~85'-Rx indicate a family history of thyroid gland imbalance, possibly hypothyroidism.
b) Buttonhole IPB
2) Lacunae attached on the border of the collarette - endocrine and immunological system compromise :
a) 63' & 235'- relates to pancreas dysfunction, family history of blood sugar imbalance.
b) 77' & 87'- relates to thyroid dysfunction, possibly family history of hypothyroidism, correlations with Squared IPB and Medial Nasal Flatness at Rx.
c) 205'- closed lacunae co-sign with minor ray/radial furrow concerns with testicular disturbances.
d) 228'- crypt relates to gall bladder deficiency.
e) 255' & 270' - an indentation lacuna with bridge formation toward to inner pupillary zone through inner pupillary border indicates cardiac disturbances and possibly family history of  heart disease problem, amplify by arcus senilis at limbus and correlation with Medial Nasal Flatness-Rx
3) Radial Furrows/ co-sign with Closed Lacuna at frontal cerebral areas - Physical & Brain Reflex Areas Analysis ( Dr.David Pesek, Holistic Iridology):
a) 340' -
       i) cerebellum stress-possibly low vitality, low nerve energy and fatigue.
       ii) stress relates to mental emotional and physical aspects.
b) 355' -
       i) Compromise in hypothalamus gland.
       ii) stress relate to sensory movement, expressing thoughts through bodily movement.
c) 20' -
      i) limbic system compromise with emotional imbalance.
      ii) stress relate to logical verbal expression.
d) 35' -
i) Possibly of frontal sinus problem.
4) Corneal Arcus at limbus indicate possible of high cholesterol level, poor fat metabolism.

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