Sunday, April 08, 2012

Pupillary Flattenings - Medial Nasal, Ventral & Superior Temporal Flatness - Rx - (abd) - a

a) Medial Nasal Flatness - 70'~85' indicates :
- Breathing difficulties, thyroid gland dysfunction tendency.
- Muscular tension in thoracic vertebrae.
- Family history of cardiac disturbances - Arrhythmia & Angina Pectoris.
- Psycho-emotional relates to conflict issues of  masculine figures - son/father and nervous exhaustion.
b) Marginal Ventral Flatness - 150'-165' indicates :
- Muscular tension in sacrum & coccyx spinal areas - poor circulation to the legs.Possibly of pelvic and knees problems and varicose veins.
- Osteoporosis and Osteoarthritis tendency.
- Psycho-emotional concerns with sexual, financial, low self-esteem problems.
c) Superior Temporal Flatness - 295'~335' indicates :
- Hearing, balance and vertigo problems.
- Muscular tension in neck and shoulder.
- Emotionally relates to frustration and confusion.
( John Andrews, Iris & Pupillary Signs, 3rd Edition, Modern Iridology )

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