Saturday, July 02, 2011

Analysis of the Hereditary and Genetic Determined Weaknesses in Iris Structures

Eldest Sister, Age 15

2nd Sister, Age 13

3rd Sister, Age 11

4th Brother, Age 7

- To observe the genetically determined iris markings and structural signs in the heredity of the sibling's iris.
- To analyze the inheritance and predisposition of  weaknesses from the siblings iris by heredity. 
- Josef Deck, stated that " Structural genes form structural markings in the iris; these are irreversible, or they are rather genetically stable and therefore determined. They are subject to Mendel 's laws, which can be proved especially in large families. (J.Deck, Principles Of Iris Diagonosis, 1982, pp57)

The case study will be posted soon....

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