Sunday, July 03, 2011

Pupil Tonus - Flatenning & Time Risk

Lx- Pupil
Female, 52, her neck was injured caused by fell down from the stairs for the past 2 months, she complaint pain and muscle tension in neck, feeling vertigo and numbness in left side arm and hand. Observe the pupillary applanation that registered the physical trauma !

1) Inferior Temporal Flatness at 230'~256' indicates :
- Muscular tension in neck and shoulder.
- Liver, gall bladder deficiency.
- Spleen dysfunction.
- Ovarian stress.
2) Superior Nasal Flateness at 300'~325' indicates :
- Neuramuscular and spinal tension at C3 and C7.
- Cervical muscular tension.

1) HPA compromised at 0' and 188' characterized by radial furrow and indentation of the collarette. Deep major ray at 0' emanate from the edge of the pupil, penetrating of the collarette to ciliary zone. Time risk at age of 60'. Adrenal fatigue, psychological stress and emotional tension.
2) Deep radial furrow at 30', Time Risk at 55. Stress in Medulla Oblongata, survival issues at emotional aspects, physical with lung problem.
3) Bridge collarette crossing above the indented closed lacuna at 70' with the mid-point (yellow colour) as time risk sign of the age 48.5. Her son was passed away 3 years ago caused by the accident.
4) Indented lacuna at 80' Time Risk at the age of 46.5, heart lacuna, cardiovascular risk.

Rx- Iris
1) An indentation of the closed lacuna at 53', physical and emotional trauma at the age of 52 !
2) Indented lacuna at 80', Time Risk , age-46.5. Physical thyroid and bronchitis problem.

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