Thursday, June 30, 2011

Multidimensional Iridology Analysis- (sg)

Rx & Lx - Male, Age-53
- Haematogenic Constitution/Neurogenic Structure
- Lipemic Diathesis - Thickened of the Cholesterol Ring
- Mishappen Collarette - Distended and Indented of the collarette
- Hyperthropy / Thickened Collarette
- Hypertrophic of the Inner Pupillary Border
- Significance deviations in the frontal of the IPB
- Bridges, Linear & Absence of the collarette
- Deep Radial Furrows located in the Brain reflexive areas

As usual, we begin start with analyze the IPB structures, what you can observe for the IPB structures ? What type of IPB morphologies were presented in this inferior nasal section ?


Rx-IPB - Hyperthrophic of the IPB

IPB Morphologies Analysis :
a) Pearl Sign - Tendency to intestinal dybiosis, polyposis.
b) Rectangular Sign - Tendency to gastrointestinal disturbances.
c) Archeological Sign - 1N
d) S Sign - Prolactin deficiency.
e) Indented hypertrophic of the IPB at 320' - Space Risk 5 - Respiratory problem.
f) Archeological Sign - N1
g) Globular Sign - Dybiosis, gastric ulcerations.
h) Extroflession of the hypertrophy of the IPB at 35' - Space Risk 5.

i) N Sign.
j) Love Sign - Tendency to fibromyalgia.
k) Pearl Sign.
l) Local double IPB (70%) - Tendency to nervous and tension.

General views on the Rx-Collarette: Misshapen with Hypertrophic Wreath
a) Indentation of the collarette at the frontal and ventral section, upper section relates to transverse colon, lower section relates to stress in adrenal and jejunum, both concerns with Time Risk sign.
b) Distention of the collarette attached with the closed lacunae relates physical disturbances to duodenum function. Please refer to the analysis of the various IPB signs which confirmed the major stress in gastrointestinal functions.
c) Bridge collarette at frontal section, tendency to blood sugar imbalance, dysglycaemia and Time Risk sign.
1) Absence of the collarette at 45'~ 63' adjacent to the reflex areas of nose, tonsils and pancreas.
2) Linear collarette at 80'~ 103' possible relates to Thymus T cell.
3) Linear collarette at 103' ~ 135' relates to Thymus T and B cells and hypoglycemia tendency.

Embryological and Modern Iridology Analysis :
1) Radial furrow emanate and penetrate from the border of the collarette to ciliary zone at 23' compromised in limbic system and stress in thalamus.
2) Thickened wreath with Bridge formation at 32' possible sinusitis.
3) Internal crypt at 63' relates to blood sugar imbalance.
4) Crypt with whitish iris stroma at 75' indicate imitative condition in thyroid function, suggest thyroid dysfunction.
5) Closed lacuna and radial furrow at 147' & 152' suggest stress in urethra.
6) An indentation of the collarette in the ventral section at 165' represents disturbances in spleen function, immunological deficiency and stress in jejunum.
7) An indentation of the collarette, semi-open lacuna and radial furrow at 180' indicates stress in hypothalamus, adrenal fatigue, kidney and renal pelvis deficiency, and disturbances in jejunum.
8) Internal crypt at 197' stress in appendix.
9) Crypt at 210' ~ 215' suggest deficiency in duodenum, possible testicular stress, bladder and prostate deficiency.
10) Defect marking and crypt at 220' ~ 223' indicates testicular and gall bladder insufficiency and embryological stress in duodenum.
11) Closed lacuna and crypts at 234' suggest blood sugar imbalance, pancreatic dysfunction with imitative condition.
12) Indentation of Torpedo lacunae penetrate the border of the collarette at 280' (mistaken- 102') indicates lung stress, heart problem, potential cardiovascular risk and embryological sign of  thyroid dysfunction, possible hyper/hypothyroidism
12) Indented semi-open lacuna on the border collarette at 295'~300' indicates stress in larynx/pharynx and pancreas dysfunction.
13) Bridge collarette at 328' suggest hypoglycemia tendency, and pay attention to heart sign in 333' with short radial furrow formation.
14) Defect marking on the border of the hyperthrophy of the collarette at 354' indicates pituitary and hypothalamus stress.

Bridge formation on the hypertrophy of the collarette, observe the shadow of the bridge reflected on the iris stroma indicates hypoglycemia tendency and Time Risk sign !
Lx-IPB- Hyperthrophic of the IPB

a) & b) Local hyperthrophy of the IPB.
b) Absence of the IPB at 15'- Space Risk 2 - Paranal sinus
c) Globular Sign.
d) Rectangular Sign.
e) N Sign.

g) External Cat's Claws - Progesterone deficiency.
h) Rectangular Sign.

f) Brown pigment with pearl sign at 90' - Space Risk 12 - Liver disturbances, poor fat metabolism.

Embryological and Modern Iridology Analysis :
1) Internal lacuna at 15' suggests pituitary and pineal stress and limbic system compromised.
2) Major radial furrow penetrate the border of the collarette to the pupillary zone at 45' indicates gastrointestinal disturbances, deficiencies in vitamin and mineral, stress in carotid artery and stagnation in parotid lymph node.
3) Closed lacuna on the border of the collarette at 85' indicates lung stress and heart sign, potential heart problem and cardiovascular risk.
4) Closed lacuna with whitish stroma attached on the collarette at 134' showing an irritative and stress condition of the testes and deficiency in sigmoid colon.
5) Indented lacuna inside with loosening whitened iris stroma and thicken bridge formation at 145'  indicating an irritation, hyperactivity of the testes, testicular stress and kidney insufficiency in embryological sign.
6) Closed lacuna at 171' suggest kidney deficiency.
7) Closed lacuna at 200' indicate stress in prostate.
8) Closed lacuna at 270' represent lung stress, asthmatic tendency.
9) Crypts on the inside border of the collarette at 305' suggest pancreas sign, blood sugar imbalance.
10) Radial Furrow located at 355' indicate hypothalamus stress.  

2 Closed lacunae parallel as divided lacunae located inside and outside of the border of the collarette crossing by the thicken bridge collarette, indicating an importance information of  genetic determined of heart sign, suggest heart disease and embryological of thyroid sign, suggest potential of hypo/hyper thyroidism.

Various closed lacunae attached on the collarette with stress, irritation and hyperactivity conditions in reproductive and urinary system.

Melanin deposits on the sclera and attached in the edge of the iris limbus - which are not the pathological signs and is caused by the highly concentrated of the melanin in the blood and tissue ( J.Andrews)

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