Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Multidimensional Iridology Analysis- (ss)

a) Rectangular Sign of the IPB - Tendency to gastrointestinal disturbances poor in absorption and assimilation.
b) Hypertrophic of the IPB - 220'~280'- Based on the John Andrews researched, the hyperthrophy of the IPB have a tendency to [1] :
- Hypoglycaemia
- Sleep disorder
- Hyperthyroidism
- Hyperactivity of the HPA
c) Introflession of the IPB- 304' - Space Risk 7 - Hypo/Hyperthyroidism tendency.

1) Radial furrow at 7' indicates pituitary and hypothalamus stress, limbic system compromised.
2) Absence of the collarette from 60' to 90' indicates potential stress at the adjacent topographical areas of pancreas and thyroid on the humoral zone, and bronchials on the ciliary zone. The hypertrophic of the IPB and the Space Risk 7 amplify to this finding condition.
3) Solitary brown pigment situated inside the stomach zone at 120', suggest insufficiency in digestion, absorption and assimilation functions.
4) Internal radial furrow at 170' embryologically indicates hypothalamus stress and spleen deficiency, classical view as jejunum stress.
5) Indented collarette at 180' indicating as adrenal fatigue, stress in renal pelvis and HPA compromised
6) Absence of the collarette in the zone of 245'~295' indicates lung insufficiency.

Closer view on the embryological signs inside the pupillary zone.

Bridge Collarette formation at 295'~320' indicates
- Time Risk at 307.5 mid point of the bridge.
- Blood sugar imbalance, dysglycaemia tendency. Classical pancreas at 300'.
- Progesterone deficiency tendency.

Frontal Corneal Arcus indicates potential of  poor blood circulation on the cerebral area, headache, insomnia and vertigo tendency.

1) Haematogenic Iris Constitution - B1 Type
2) Neurogenic and Anxiety Tetanic by structural.
3) Frontal Cornea Arcus.
4) Hypertrophic of the IPB.
5) Distended Collarette with partial hypertrophy and absence of the collarette
6) Perfectly smooth, compact, robust and highly dense of the iris stroma structures.
7) Hardly finding a genetic iris marking/ structural sign in the humoral, ciliary and limbus zones.
8) Solitary radial furrow or minor ray situated at the brain zone of 7' emanate from the border of the collarette to ciliary zone indicates pituitary and hypothalamus stress, limbic system compromised.
9) The limited findings of applying Classical Iridology in this case study !
10) The treasures of applying Multidimensional Iridology under this typical constitution !
11) The wealth of genetic predisposition information was stored in the IPB, Inner Pupillary Zone and Collarette. This case study is to highlight and appreciate in applying the Multidimensional Iridology as an advanced and modern tools to access the hidden and importance information in the human iris regardless of other constitutions so as to helping the client in a preventive medicine manner.

[1] John Andrews, Iris & Pupillary Signs, Modern Iridology, 3rd Edition, 2008. pg.162~163.

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