Saturday, June 25, 2011

Multidimensional Iridology Analysis- (wy)

1) Crypt at 43' border of the collarette, indicates stomach stress, disturbances in digestion and absorption
2) Defect marking at 56' pancreas sign.
3) Closed lacuna at 150' concerns with uterine stress.
4) Double lacunae at 165'~185' disturbances in renal pelvis and kidney function. Potential of kidney cysts.
5) Bridge with semi-open lacuna inside the collarette - 205' potential stress in caecum, appendix reflex areas.
6) Linear collarette at 215'~240' relates to Alveolar macrophages Cells.
7) Rhomboid shape of lacunae, crypts and bridge formation at 280', potential of thyroid dysfunction, heart stress and lung insufficiency.
8) Crypt co-sign with minor ray at 340' indicates pituitary & cerebellum stress, maxillary sinuses. 

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