Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Multidimensional Iridology Analysis- (se)

Rx - Space Risk Analysis [1]
Introflession of the IPB structure :
1) 310' - Space Risk 6 - Potential muscular tension in neck and shoulder.
2) 347'~355' - Space Risk 2 & 1 - Tendency to paranasal sinus, headache, migraines, vertigo and insomnia
3) 17' - Space Risk 2 - Paranasal sinus
4) 27' - Space Risk 4 - concerns in nose and ears, rhinitis.
Extroflession of the IPB Structure :
5) 257'~5' - Space Risk 1 - Headache, migraines, vertigo and insomnia tendencies.
IPB Morphologies [2]
6) M sign - 317'- relates to blood sugar imbalance.
7) External Cat's Claws - 14' relates to
- Progesterone deficiency.
- Dyglycaemia, headaches and migraines.
- Cholecystitis

a) M sign
b) External Cat's Claw's

Please take note the repeated occurrences of the organs and glands as major pathological  concerned via applying multidimensional analysis :
1) Crypts at 20'- Bronchitis and problem in peyer's patches, possible B lymphocytes congestion in GI immune system. Classical view in transverse colon
2) Crypts or defect markings at 40' - Suggest gastrointestinal disturbances. Classical in ileum zone.
3) Crypts at 65' - Pancreas sign in both embryological and classical topography.Pancreatic dysfunction.
4) Crypts at 130' - Pancreatic insufficiency. Refer to IPB M-sign.
5) Divided lacunae at 150'~155' -  weakness in uterine.
6) Crypt at 165', spleen deficiency, lymphatic congestion.
7) Crypt located around the pupillary border- 175' indicates adrenal fatigue.
8) Internal lacuna at 185', embryological analysis as disturbances in uterine, tendency to uterine cysts. Classical analysis as adrenal fatigue and cervix stress.
9) Internal lacuna at 200' - Disturbances in urinary bladder, uterus and duodenum, weakness in cervix area.
10) Internal lacunae attached on the pupillary border and external lacuna on the collarette at 220', embryological relates to duodenum and ovary disturbances and classical diagnosis relates to ovarian stress. Medical examination on duodenum, uterine and ovarian are recommended !
11) Crypts at 230', suggest gall bladder insufficiency, digestive enzyme secretion disturbances and irregularity of blood sugar tendency in classical analysis.
12) Brown pigment topostabile located in liver reflex zone-225' indicates liver stress, poor fat metabolism amplified by high lipid of cholesterol ring formation in the limbus.
13) Brown pigment granulation located in between of the collarette - 235'~245' indicating pancreatic disturbances, liver involvement and stress in diaphragm. Embryological concerns with pancreatic dysfunction, nose, frontal and maxillary sinuses. Refer to Space Risk 2 & 4.
14) Lung stress, asthmatic problem characterized by closed lacuna at 250'.
15) Crypt on the collarette - 265' indicates potential of breast and heart problem. Attention to lipimic diathesis in this case.
16) Closed lacuna at lung zone - 275' indicates lung stress and asthmatic bronchitis problem.
17) Defect markings on the collarette- 285'~290' indicates potential of thyroid stress and heart disease.
18) Small torpedo lacuna indented the collarette at 306' suggest concern with blood sugar imbalance and liver disturbances.
19) Closed lacuna penetrate the collarette at 330' represent a heart stress, sign of cardiovascular risk.
20) Crypt inside the pupillary of the brain zone- 340' of pituitary stress and maxillary sinus problem in classical topography.
21) Crypts formation at 350'~357' concerns with pituitary and pineal stress involvement.

The above illustrate the combination of structural Signs in certain topographical areas which significantly amplified the pathologically meanings of the organs,glands and tissues are involved.
a) Closed lacuna co-sign with brown pigment indicates major multiple concerns in asthmatic problem, fatty liver disturbances and pancreatic dysfunction, diabetes tendency.
b) Brown pigment with liver stress involvement.
c) Internal lacuna co-sign with radial furrow major stress concerns with uterine,cervix and duodenum.
d) Internal lacuna co-sign with radial furrow  major stress concerns with adrenal, uterine cysts and cervix.
e) Crypts with radial furrow major concerns in adrenal fatigue, emotional stress and tension.
f) Crypt co-sign with radial furrow major concern in lymphatic stagnation and congestion, spleen deficiency.
Medical examination on uterus, cervix, liver, pancreas and colonic part of duodenum is advised

Lx -
1) S Sign - Prolactin Sign, occur in the frontal of the IPB.
2) Pearl Sign - Intestinal disturbances.
3) Introflession of the IPB at 320' - Space Risk 5 - Respiratory, lung stress.
4) Introflession of the IPB at 327' - Space Risk 4 - concerns in nose and ears, rhinitis.

1) Radial Furrow at 3'Stress in hypothalamus and medulla oblongata, concerns with breathing difficulties, asthmatic problem.
2) Radial Furrow at 135', ovarian stress in embryological perspective and spleen deficiency indicate in classical topography.
3) Brown pigment situated on the collarette - 140' suggest kidney and ovarian stress.
4) Deep radial furrow at 155' stress in urinary bladder and disturbances in duodenum.
5) Deep radial emanate from the pupillary border at 185' indicates hypothalamus stress and potential breast problem. Cervix stress in Modern Iridology approach.
6) Internal lacuna in the pupillary zone at 200' disturbances in uterus, potential uterine fibroids or cysts.
7) Crypts formation at 240' genetically determined of pancreatic dysfunction, diabetes tendency.
8) Radial furrow at 340' represent limbic system compromised.

[1] Dr. Daniele Lo Rito, Space Risk, 2006.
[2] John Andrews, Iris & Pupillaey Sign, Modern Iridology, 3rd Edition. 

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