Monday, May 16, 2011

Time Risk Analysis - Rx & Lx - 1e

Time Risk- Rx

Time Risk-Lx

Female, Age:38
Time Risk for Rx and Lx is based on the consideration and formation of the iris structural signs  -
a) Indentation of the collarette- Rx and Lx
b) Extroflession with double collarette formation - Rx ( more significant for analyse the Steps of Love or Love Dynamics on the Collarette, created by Dr. Lo Rito )
c) Deep Radial Furrows- Rx and Lx
d) Internal Lacuna- Rx and Lx
e) Crypt- Lx
f) Pigment located inside border of the collarette- Rx

Consider the traumatic stress events occurred in her life path during her childhood and adulthood aged of 7, 30 and future 10 to 20 years of the early and advanced adulthood age of  48, 51 and 59.

1) The most traumatic events with deep seated unresolved emotional issues were occurred during the age of 7 and 30.
2) An  indentation of the collaratte with a co-sign of solitary brown pigment in the pupillary zone @ 305' manifests the negative impact on the emotion of :
- Feeling persecuted, potential by her parent, possible involved with masculine figure, suppression of expression in anger and resentment toward her father.
- Restricted by fear, unable to overcome the problems and conflict of emotions. Irritability, stuck in emotional perspective.
- Experiencing pain, unresolved grief, conflict of sudden fright, family disharmony issues, possible mother issues in regard to perceived lack of bond with mother, fear of failure, sense of personal injustice, and the fear of being emotionally wounded by loving someone (mother), who may not return your love. conflict in integration.
3) Minor ray penetrate in the border of the collarette and stairstep lacuna located inside the collarette that both labeled as structural Time Risk signs located in the classical topographical areas of adrenal and sigmoid colon zone @ 180' represents the emotional trauma of :
- The conscious minds of seemingly repeating the same unresolved emotional issues or similar traumatic scenario bringing to the age of 30 and still waiting for resolve and still experiencing of a deep and profound trauma that affecting her physical body, especially in gastrointestinal disturbances- Stairstep lacuna at sigmoid colon relates to mother issues. Issue of criticism from parents as a young child. A challenge of psychological and emotional issues.
- Fear of feeling isolated and dependence. Feeling of emptiness, self-judgement and  feeling shamed , having deep issues with mothering. Embryological topography of breast and hypothalamus signs !
- Overcoming an emotional issues of fear and physical issue of sexual related problem is set priority at this point of time. In actual fact, the emotional trauma still attach to the present age of 38.
4) An indentation of the collarette and internal lacuna in classical bronchus and heart areas at @ 65'~75', at the age of 48~49. Issues of betrayal, love and self -limitation.
5) Minor ray in Rx and Crypt in Lx @ 55', at the age 51. Betrayal issues which related to love.
6) Minor ray at Rx and Lx @ 7'. Birth trauma sign. Possible a history of spontaneous abortion, the loss of a fetus during pregnancy due to natural cause.
7) The Stress Axis ( Hypothalamus-Pituitary-Adrenal) is found on Rx and Lx, the Radial Furrow emanate from the border of the collarette at @ 7' indicates hypothalamus and pituitary stress. Hypothalamus is a central hub to control an emotional responses to stress and the limbic system. Deep Minor Ray in Rx and Stairstep Lacuna in Lx, both located in the adrenal topographical area at @ 180', in addition with the Constricted collarette formation, it indicates a strong predisposition for the client to experience adverse reactions and poor adaptability to the traumatic stress.

The above emotional consideration and interpretation was derived from the multidimensional psycho-emotional approaches of  Embryological, Dirk Hamer Syndrome, Emotional Dynamics of the collarette, IPB Morphologies, Space Risk ,Time Risk and Viscero-emotional correspondences to organs and glands to the specific angles of Time Risk.

In summary, the impact on the emotional stress toward to the physical disturbance or the physical stress leading to a deep emotional imbalance are interrelationship connection in physical, emotional and mental and spiritual levels. Multidimensional Iridology is an excellent tool to deepen and broaden your analyzing skills and helping you in asking a right question in health prevention and provide a right answer and recommendation to your client to achieve optimum health.

Learning & Applying Multidimensional Iridology is a Trend for Modern & Advanced Iridologist at this modern edge of time.

The next level will be using the Classical Iridology to analyse the physical and emotional structural signs in the iris.

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