Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Classical & Holistic Iridology Analysis -1f



The Classical & Holistic Iridology Assessment as follow:
A) Constitution/Disposition /Diathesis.
B) Brain Reflex Areas Analysis. ( Created by Dr.David Pesek)
C) Physical & Viscero-Emotional Analysis.
D) The Axis in Iridology.
E) The Syndrome in Iridology.
F) Hypertrophy and Double Collarette.
G) Identification of Betrayal in Rx and Lx.

A) Constitution/Disposition/Diathesis:
1) Haematogenic Constitution- B2 type of Brown iris, combination with Contraction Furrows and Schwalbe's Contraction folds.
2) Anxiety or Larvate Tetanic Subtype by Structure/ Disposition.
3) Lipemic Diathesis/ Cholesterol Inorganic Salts deposited around the limbus.

B) Brain Reflex Areas :
1) @330' ~ @30' in 9 physio-emotional reflexive areas.
2) Each reflex area with @6.70'+/- degree, cover the brain reflexive total boundaries of  60' (from 330' to 30').
3) The structural iris signs in Rx and Lx was identified by Radial Furrows - Minor ray which emanate from the border of the collarette to ciliary zone.
4) The identification for the Rx-Brain Reflex areas of : 335', 350' and 7'.
5) The identification for the Lx-Brain Reflex areas of : 335', 350, 7' and 25'.
6) For female in this case, the Lx iris relates to her father, masculine figures and the Rx relates to mother, feminine figures.

Rx- Brain Reflex Areas - 330'~30'
Lx- Brain Reflex Areas - 330'~30'

7) Rx-Brain Reflex- Physio-Emotional Analysis:
- 1) Medulla- Survival issues at @335'- According to Dr.David Pesek researched, a deficiency, hypoactive or suppression in this area indicates potential birth trauma, breathing difficulties, resistance to inspiration from the logical aspects; concerns about survival in career, financial and business relationships.
- 2) Brain stem- Issues of Experiential/Psychological Perception at @350'- One's perceptions and experiences of what was or not received from the environment, from father (Rx-iris, according to Dr David Pesek is assigned to father principle or masculine figures) while growing up. Rx for female relates to mother, feminine figures, suggest by John Andrews. In my opinion, the unresolved emotional issues was affected by her parents, mother side was most influential.
- 3) Hypothalamus- Consciousness/Vitality at @7'- Limbic system compromise, reverse reaction of stress and tension, low libido and low nerve energy in physical, emotional, mental and spiritual levels.
8) Lx-Brain Reflex- Physio-Emotional Analysis:
- 2) Prefrontal and frontal lobe- Creative Intellect at @335'- Issues of utilizing one's mental ability to express outwardly to the world what one knows one's creative, mental capabilities are. Suppression of expression in reasoning and logical thinking.
- 3) Cerebrum- Self Esteem at @350'- Self-esteem, self-image problems.
-4) Hypothalamus- Consciousness/Vitality at @7'- Deep- seated emotional suppression, emotional stress and imbalance, limbic system compromise.
-5) Medulla- Survival issues in emotional and love relationship.

C) Physical & Viscero-Emotional Analysis: The following presentation of  emotional issues was combined to apply John Andrews (JA) and Dr. David Pesek (DP) based on their clinical observation and experience. (Emotional Approaches in Iridology, by John Andrews. Holistic Iridology L2, by Dr. David Pesek)

Rx-iris :
5) Radial furrow emanate from the border of the collarette to ciliary zone in the reaction fields of  pancreas and shoulder, suggest genetic blood sugar imbalance and shoulder muscle pain. The blood sugar imbalance causing an emotional stress of betrayal, uncertainty (JA) and feeling of grief (DP).
6) Internal lacuna located inside the pupillary zone closer to the inner pupillary border in the physical areas of ileum and cardiac/heart reflexive areas, suggest potential of cardiovascular problem. Fear of vulnerability, suppression of expression, conflict in relationships (JA).
7) Internal lacuna located at @90', suggest thyroid deficiency, potential hypo/hyperthyroidism. We will further examine the Thyroid Axis condition. Concerns with father issue, suppressed expression toward anger and resentment (JA, DP).
8) Crypt inside with whitish iris fibers @ 160', suggest uterus stress. Loss of identify, creativity and imagination relates with mother (JA).
9) Deep radial furrow and indented collarette at @180', indicates adrenal and kidney stress. Embryological signs of stress in hypothalamus, adrenals and kidneys.Deep seated unresolved emotions, suppression of emotion, conflict of fear, self-esteem and self-criticism (JA). Issues of fear and forgiveness (DP).
10) Radial Solaris at @215' with whitish fibers internal crypt, possible irritation , suggest ovary disturbances, ovarian cyst syndrome. Embryological ovary location. Fear of repression and expression (JA). Unconsciousness, annoying (DP).
11) Open lacuna attached of the border of the collarette at @240', suggest blood sugar imbalance, embryology sign of pancreas.
12) Deep ray crossing the breast reflex zone, suggest breast problem. Issue with mothering (JA).
13) Partial section of double collarette adjacent to the bronchioles, lung and breast reflexive areas. Survival issues related to career, business or financial. According to John Andrews, it indicates:
- Prone to nervous system stress.
- Compromise of the HPA Axis - Hypothalamus-Pituitary-Adrenal
- Gestation compromise in collarette development.
- Feeling fear of not being good, not doing enough.
- IBS tendency - irritable Bowel Syndrome.
14) Indentation of the collarette with brown pigment patches at @ 305', suggest intestinal dybiosis, physical spasm or stricture in the ascending colon (DP). Embryological, Space & Time Risk, Emotional Dynamics, Love Dynamics, Dirk Hamer Syndrome Signs ! Deep-seated emotional pain, issues of letting go Embryological thymus deficiency and Spare Risk 7 of thyroid stress.

Lx-iris :
1) Potential frontal sinus sign. Sinusitis.
6) Radial furrow located parotid lymph node, suggest lymphatic stagnation and congestion. (Modern Iridology Chart, 2011, by John Anderws).
7) Small brown pigments located in the topographical shoulder reflex area (Iridology Chart, by Bernard Jensen), liver involvement and suggest new topographical area of Carotid Artery (Modern Iridology Chart, 2011, by John Anderws). Crypt located inside the pupillary zone at @55', suggest blood sugar imbalance. We analysis the betrayal issue in conjunction with the pancreas location at the 4 corners angle on the border of the collarette at @60', 120', 240' and 300' in Rx and Lx iris.
8) Please look at the more important signs of indented collarette co-sign with small lacuna (9) at @65', aorta zone, suggest heart disease or heart stress, please ignore the minor ray on the ciliary zone ! (purposely diverted your attention....! :) :)
10) Deep ray located in the breast zone as similar and proportionate to the Rx-iris, suggest breast cyst problems.
11) & 12) Radial furrows located at the zone of ovary , pelvis and groin areas, suggest weakness in extremities or lower part body.
13) Stairstep lacuna co-sign with indented collarette at the sigmoid colon areas. Embryological signs of stress in hypothalamus and breast deficiency. Serious Sign !. Please refer to 1b explanation of the Stairstep lacuna. Fear of feeling isolated, fear of what future has in store (JA).
14) Kidney stress by minor ray formation.
15) Short and minor ray cutting at the border of the collarette, suggest stress in uterus, sexual related problems.
16) Small deep ray at the pancreas area.
17) Defect signs at the pancreas area. Betrayal issues.
Rx-Broken Contraction Furrows- Temporal Section
Contraction furrows break or terminate in the lung and breast reflex zone indicates high level of stress and regeneration and neuromuscular tension. Contraction furrow break at the point of radial furrow (12) in the breast area.

Rx-Broken Contraction Furrows-Ventral Section

Lx-Broken Contraction Furrows- Ventral Section
Contraction furrow break at the radial furrow - kidney deficiency.

D) The Axis in Iridology (Classical Topographies)
1) Stress Axis in both Rx and Lx - Radial Furrow @7'( Hypothalamus + Pituitary) + Adrenal (Radial furrow-Rx + Stairstep lacuna with indented collarette)
2) Thyroid Axis in Rx - Radial Furrow @7' (Hypothalamus + Pituitary) + Thyroid lacuna at @90'

E) The Syndrome in Iridology (Classical Topographies)
1) Cardio-Abdominal Syndrome - Aorta (Closed lacuna co-sign with indented collarette at @75')  + Sigmoid Colon (Stairsteep Lacuna at @180') - Lx iris
2) Cardio-Renal Syndrome - Aorta (Closed lacuna co-sign with indented collarette at @75') + Kidney (Deep radial furrow at @180')- Lx

F) Hyperthrophy and Double Collarette:
According to John Andrews :
- PNEI, HPA Axis and Intestinal interactions.
- Tendency to general hyperactivity of the immune and nervous systems.

Rx-Double & Absence of the Collarette
Absence of the collarette at @ 70' ~ 100'.

Lx-Absence and Thickened Collarette
Absence of the collarette at @280' ~ 325'

G) Identification of Betrayal in Rx and Lx : ( Researched by John Andrews)
1) Solitary brown pigment on the inside border of the collarette with indented collarette at @305'-Rx indicates betrayal issues related to love and feeling insecurity.
2) Crypt located inside the collarette at @55' in pancreatic zone, relates to a profound and deep sense of emotional pain and betrayal.

The iris assessment is started from inside-out. Beginning from the Pupil, Inner Pupillary Border, Embryological Topography Areas, Pupillary Zones, Collarette, Ciliary Zone and finally to Limbus, Sclerology is the best analysis tool to counter confirm the findings from the iris assessment. The best is to combine the three modalities of  Iridology, Sclerology and Foot Glyphology in holistically approaches to assess a human health in the level of  physical, embryological, emotional, and spiritual. The final objective is to achieve optimum health.

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