Saturday, May 21, 2011

IPB Morphologies, Space Risk & IPB Archeology - 2a

Frontal IPB & Space Risk -Rx
Neuroendocrine Frontal IPB Structure
According to John Andrews researched, a distortions or deviations in the frontal structure of the IPB between 340' to 40' suggest a distinct compromise in adaptability and face more difficult challenges.
The frontal IPB could have a deviation or distortion in the structural signs of :
1) Indentation of the IPB
2) Absence or gap of the IPB ( Space Risk )
3) Pigment on the IPB
4) Variations of IPB morphologies in frontal section
In addition, the frontal neuroendocrine frontal IPB structure also indicates suggest by John Andrews:
- Complex PNEI alterations and compromise
- Less resistance to both emotional  or physical trauma
- Impaired hormonal adaptability

The IPB Morphologies Analysis :
1) & 2) Globular Sign -
a) Tendency to intestinal dysbiosis.
b) Possible mental fatigue leading to depression or gastric ulcers.
3) Short Wave Sign - 
a) Difficulty expressing emotional trauma, with the resultant suppression leading to immune dysfunction.
b) Immune compromise of the respiratory mucosa.
c) Depletion of physical and emotional energy leading to immuno compromise.
4) Triangle Sign -
a) Relating to gastro-intestinal disturbances with immunological complications and systemic toxicity involving the liver.
b) Liver degeneration.
5),7) & 9) Neurolappen Sign -
a) It indicates nervous sensitivities with general anxiety, tension and depression, potential insomnia.
6) Squared Sign -
a) Tendency to thyroid dysfunction. Genetic history of hypothyroidism.
8) N Sign.

Space Risk Analysis:
The identification of local signs in Space Risk in this case study -
a) Absence
b) Introflession
c) Extroflession
1) Space Risk 6 at 315' - Muscles spasm or tension in neck and shoulder.
2) Space Risk 1 at 8' - Potential headache, migraines, vertigo and insomnia. Refer to IPB Neurolappen sign.
3) Space Risk 4 at 28' & 33' - Possible nasal polyps, allergic rhinitis.
Nasal IPB & Space Risk at @90'-Rx
4) Space Risk 12 at 90' - Liver involvement and poor fatty metabolism, fatty degeneration.

Temporal IPB Archeology-Rx
Archeological finding - Sheep

Temporal IPB Archeology-Rx - Sheeps crossing the field

Ventral IPB -Rx
10) Wave sign.
11) Squared IPBs. scattered in the ventral section.

Frontal IPB & Space Risk-Lx

The IPB morphologies Analysis :
1) Potential of Teardrop Sign (60%) - Tendency to prostate problem.  
2) Triangle Sign.
3) Rectangle Sign - Tendency to gastrointestinal disturbances.
4) Globular Sign.
5) Potential reserve Butterly sign (60%) - Tendency to hepatic endocrine dysfunction.
6) Neurolappen with slight whitened of IPB.
7) & 10) Squared IPB Sign.
11) Pearl Sign- Tendency family history of intestinal polyposis, intestinal tumours and inflammatory bowel condition.

Space Risk Analysis:
1) Space Risk 8 at 298'- concerns with thymus gland, whooping cough, trachea.
2) Space Risk 7 at 301' - Thyroid, tendency to hypo/hyperthyroidism. Please refer to IPB- Squared sign at Rx and Lx.
3) Space Risk 1 at 7' - Concerns with headache, migraines, vertigo and insomnia. Please refer to Rx-Space Risk 1 at 8'.
4) Space Risk 2 at 10' - Visual problem and paranasal sinus.
5) Space Risk 6 at 45' - Concerns with neck and shoulder. Please refer to Space Risk 6 at 315'-Rx.
6) Space Risk 7 at 58' - Thyroid dysfunction. Please refer to Squared IPB at Rx.
7) Space Risk 8 at 63' - Concerns with thymus gland, whooping cough and trachea problem, also refer Space Risk 8 at 298' in IPB - Lx

Frontal IPB - Blue Sky

IPB-Morphologies Close Up View (1 ~6)

Temporal IPB & Space Risk

Ventral IPB
8) Potential Linear IPB (70%) -
a) Tendency to physical rigidity and also inflexibility in emotional expression.
b) Articular rigidity, arterial blockage.
9) Globular Sign.

IPB Morphologies - 8 & 9

Close up View on Squared & Pearls Sign of  IPB Morphologies, and the extroflession and introflession of local Space Risk signs

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