Monday, May 16, 2011

Emotional Approaches in IPB Different Morphologies - Rx & Lx


Emotional Dynamics of the IPB Morphologies researched and interpreted by Dr. Daniele Lo Rito & John Andrews

Emotional Dynamics assessment of the Inner Pupillary Border : Rx & Lx
Emotional Dynamics of the IPB Morphologies- Rx:
1) Space Risk 3 @340' -
a) How ones within, as one sees oneself
b) Difficult to accept oneself
c) Stuck in emotional perspective
2) Wave Sign -
a) Tendency to be very generous in all sense and overly giving of time, energy and even finances. (precisely described for this person)
b) Erractive emotional reactivity.
c) Unresolved Grief & Unstable Behaviour.
d) Irritability.
3) S Sign -
a) Issues of independence and dependence. Constricted collarette amplifies by this S-sign.
b) Shackled to the past.
c) Unable to resolve the past and move forward. (will see in time risk analysis !)
d) Inconclusive and Not grounded.
4) Triangle Sign -
a) Psychosomatic influence on gastrointestinal disturbances. (proven in multidemensional analysis - Rx & Lx)
b) Resentment towards father figure.( refer emotional dynamics of the collarette analysis )
c) Possible violent expreciences.
5) W Sign - under research.
6) Pearl Sign-
a) Perfectionistic traits. (predominant personality for this person)
b) Meticulous behaviour. (predominant behaviour for this person)
c) An uneasy relationship with one's mother or female figures. ( refer emotional dynamics of pigment patches in pupillary zone)

Emotional Dynamics of the IPB- Morpohologies - Lx:
9) Pearl Sign as explained in Rx.
10) Butterfly Sign - Indicates family history of liver dysfunction and intestinal dybiosis. Liver concerns with anger and resentment. (suppression of expression) ( refer embryological analysis)

Please compare the result of Emotional Dynamics of the IPB and the Collarette.

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