Saturday, May 14, 2011

Emotional Dynamics of Pigment Granulation in Pupillary Zone

Solitary with smaller and concentrated pigment granulation located in the ciliary topographical areas, on the collarette, inside the pupillary zone or nearer to the inner pupillary border with co-sign of :
a) Indentation of the collarette
b) Lacuna
c) Crypt
d) Transversal
e) Inside the protrusion/pointed of the collarette
f) Radial Furrows-inside/outside/minor/major/internal/external - collarette
g) Contraction Furrows terminate,break or converge in the topographical ciliary zone
h)Topostabile in the certain topographical areas, such as brown pigment in liver and gall bladder, yellow pigment in kidney or renal, orange pigment in four corners of pancreas.

Under the above mentioned fulfillment, it carry a greater significance and impact on the physical, emotional and psychological levels. Pigments also indicates multiple levels of meaning :
1) Physical pain
2) Emotional energy blockages and pain
3) Crystallisation of emotion
4) Suppression of expression
5) Space Risk and Sacral-Lumbar sign if located closer to IPB
6) Embryological and Dirk Hamer Syndrome sign if located in the pupillary zone
7) Time Risk and Emotional Dynamics sign if located on the collarette
8) Topolabile/Topostabile in the topographical areas- if brown pigment located in liver zone or in kidney zone which one carry a greater impact/ stress level ?

Referring to the above iris photo, what does the pigment means to you in the gastric zone?, In classical Iridology interpretation, does it means liver involvement or intestinal problem ? or thymus gland and thyroid deficiency, immunological and endocrinological system compromise ?, the unresolved and deep seated emotional pain issue is relate to father or mother ?

Let us elaborate more details on the importance of the solitary small genetic iris pigment (brown/dark brown/black/yellow/straw yellow/orange) located in the pupillary zone area as illustrated below Rx-iris photo :

1) Zone-a represent external and internal of the collarette, we have seen that an indentation of the collarette was formed at @305'. In Multidemensional Iridology approach, it indicates Embryological, Dirk Hamer Syndrome, Emotional Dynamics, Time Risk and Space Risk Signs. The multiple level meanings of the indented collarette are:
- Embryological : Deficiency in Thymus gland. The unresolved emotional pain relating to mother, female, feminine figures.
- Dirk Hamer Syndrome : Right vestibulocochlear nerve (auditory nerve,the eighth nerve provides sensory connection for balance and sound ) and Larynx.
- Emotional Dynamics : Issues of Harmony.
- Time Risk : The emotional trauma was happened at the age of 9 @305'
- Spare Risk 7 : Deficiency in Thyroid function, Hypo/hyperthyroidism, emotionally difficult of communication between internal aspects, anger towards oneself or others (Space Risk, Dr. Lo Rito), suppression of expression. Relating to father principle.
2)  Zone-b represent an iris pigment located inside the collarette and closer to the inner pupillary zone, in classical view, located at stomach or gastric topographical areas. It act as co-sign and adjacent with indented collarette at @305' and indicates more significance and amplified the meanings of the above mentioned with pain and deep unresolved emotional issues of anger and resentment that relate to father or masculine figures in the gastric zone !. According to John Andrews, "Pigments show rigidity, crystallised thought and stuck energy". 
3) Zone-c indicate the solitary genetic pigment located nearer the inner pupillary border that triggered Space Risk and amplified the impact of the IPB structural sign- Wave Formation :
- Difficulty expressing emotional trauma, with the resultant suppression.
- Depletion of physical and emotional energy leading to immuno compromise.
4) "d" is an intercepting point of zone a, b and c that which pigment was located from. In my opinion, the d point is an interception point of Space Risk and Time Risk, the embryological process occurred at the space and time, carry an importance genetic massages for the iridologist to decode and explain to the client !
5) You may wounder the unresolved deep seated psychological barriers that carry by the client is relating to her father or mother ?

My hypothetical answer is both her father and mother carry the same weight of contributing and  influencing to the problems. But, the mother carry more genetic influential power to her daughter's emotional condition.Technically we can see as below:

1) The brown pigment was registered at the Rx-iris - relating to martenal family history.
2) Constricted collarette shows an inheritance of the maternal DNA dominance. (does contribute to the emotional trauma, influences by mother's physical tendencies and emotional issue)
3) Thyroid gland relating to father principle (Space Risk sign at @ 305') .
4) Thymus gland relating to mother principle (embryological sign at @305')
5) Breast and Ovarian cysts by embryological signs relating to mother principle.
6) Emotional dynamics at @305' - Issue of family harmony.
7) "d-point" - the most significance emotional pain (suppression of anger and resentment) subtlety located in the gastric topographical areas, relating to dominance masculine figures or father  principle.

The next post will be highlighting the emotional levels of IPB Morphologies. We seek to have more clear to understand the client negative emotions status  before embark to Time Risk !

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