Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Emotional Dynamic of The Collarette Analysis - Rx & Lx- 1d



Before scrutinize and interpret to each of every specific degree of  emotional angle for Rx and Lx, observe the collarette as a whole picture of emotional issues and psychological challenges . Identify the  "emotional angle" for both iris, find out the similarity, differentiate and identify the most outstanding structural signs that stands out on the collarette which represent the greatest deep emotional impact or trauma experienced by the client.
Identify the structural signs that formed :
1) Indentation of the collarette. ( Internalized issue and more difficult to resolve)
2) Extroflession of thr collarette. ( Externalized issue and is ready to express, potential to resolve)
3) Stairstep lacuna.
4) Degenerative level of crypt and internal lacuna.
5) Deeper radii solaris penetrate the border of the collarette.
6) Double and thickened Collarette.
( i know it is hard to visualize the special effect color of the collarette, just appreciate my little art work that make this iris assessment more vividly... In actual fact, we have to give respect to the iris that been examined and show it with care, compassion and profession!)

" The Emotional Dynamics of The Collarette Analysis " researched by John Andrews, please refer to his book "Emotional Approaches in Iridology"

Preliminary assessment on emotional and psychological challenges under this collarette :

A) Rx iris relates to her mother or feminine figures. (verse-versa in male)
B) Lx iris relates to her father or masculine figures. (verse-versa in female)
C) Constricted collarette was shown in both iris, it represent emotional main challenges to :
1) An inheritance of the maternal DNA, her side of the family's behavioural and personality traits, physical tendencies and emotional issue, according to John Andrews.
2) Fear of letting go and independence
3) Fear of loosing control.
4)Insecurity on all level.
5) Unresolved emotional issues with male, father or masculine figures.
6) Suppression of emotions, sensitivity and difficult to express own feeling , suppression of expression.
7) Unresolved issues related , male, father or masculine figures.

Analyse the Emotional traits/Psychological Barriers/Emotional Trauma/Negative Emotions - Identical degree and most outstanding structural signs on both collarette:

a) Issue of Control, fear of loosing something to control in emotional and rational, feminine and masculine aspects.- Deep Radial Furrow formation on both collarette @7'.
b) Verbal Communication, suppression of expression on own feelings, thoughts and emotions, suppression of  anger and resentment. Deep Radial Furrow @55'-Rx and Internal Lacuna @55'-Lx.
c) Deep Family issues, disharmony, bad relationship with family. Internal Lacuna @75'-Rx and Indentation of the collarette @75'-Lx.
d) Unresolved issues with Father, relate to masculine figures rather than feminine figures. Internal lacuna @90'-Rx and Extroflession of the Collarette @90'-Lx, potential of ready to resolve !
e) Feeling of deep-seated Vulnerability. Indentation of the Collarette @165'-Lx and Crypt @160'-Rx.
f) Deep feeling of Fear, fear of not good enough, fear of letting go, fear of dependence, fear of insecurity on all levels ......Indentation of the Collarette @185'-Rx and Deep Radii Solaris @183'-Lx. This is the most prominent emotional issue and impact on the client emotional trauma.
g) Deep conflict issue of  Partnership. Indentation of the Collarette @190'-Lx.
h) Issues of Worry, tension in too much commitment to fulfil.. Radial furrow @220'-Rx and Lx.
i) Issue of Grief and Sadness relate feminine figures. Indentation of the Collarette @270'-Rx.
j) Issue of Self-Validation. Extoflession of the Double/Thickened collarette @290'-Rx.
k) Deep seated issues of Harmony, conflict relationship in family, partnership or working environment. Indentation of the Collarette/Solitary brown pigment on the collarette - feeling of emotional pain @305'-Rx.
i) Separation, fear of dependence, Deep Radial Furrow @335'- Rx and Lx.
l) Control, fear of loosing control @350'-Rx and Lx.

We will apply these emotional imbalance as reference to analyse the impact of Time Risk, to identify or highlight WHEN the traumatic or stress events was being happened or is happening now and maybe is getting to happen in near future... the unresolved emotional or traumatic issues will transmit into genetic stress for next generation....where the iris is recorded !

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