Monday, May 09, 2011

Dirk Hamer Syndrome Analysis - Rx & Lx- 1c

Introduction to the Inflexible Law of Cancer (Dirk Hamer Syndrome)
Until now, medical research into cancer has concentrated its investigations on the site of the cancerous growth: lungs, liver, breasts, bones, etc. The problem under consideration was: why do the body's cells suddenly start to proliferate in such an anarchic fashion? A virus? External agents such as tobacco, chemical products in foods, etc.?
Treatments were focused on finding new ways to arrest the cellular proliferation: operations, X-rays, cobalt, chemotherapy...
Doctor Hamer re-examined the problem from another perspective. From his own experience –he himself suffered cancer-, and that of the patients under his charge, he has noticed over the years that there is always a well-defined syndrome behind the appearance of a cancer, and this is not simply any case of stress. A powerful stimulus is needed, a brutal psychic shock that the victim perceives as the principal event in his life; an acute, dramatic conflict, lived in psychic isolation. He has named this initial syndrome, which he discovered and which he has carefully checked in each of the thousands of cases so far examined, the Dirk Hamer Syndrome (D.H.S.), in memory of his son Dirk whose tragic death in 1978 was the origin of his own cancer.
The experience of these thousands of individual cases, diagnosed and treated in the course of the last several years, has enabled him little by little to pick out the common factors, and to formulate a law, which is always precisely obeyed, the Inflexible Law of Cancer, that has never been refuted.

This law, in which the Dirk Hamer Syndrome is the keystone, the foundation, is expressed as follows:
1.Every cancer is triggered by a Dirk Hamer Syndrome, i.e., by an extremely brutal shock, an acute, dramatic conflict suffered in isolation and perceived by the victim as the worst he has ever experienced.
2.The subjective degree of the conflict, the manner in which the victim feels it at the moment of the Dirk Hamer syndrome, its exact form, is what determines:
a.The Hamer Focus, i.e., the specific zone of the brain that, under the impact of the psychic shock, suffers a breakdown in its field and issues anarchic commands to the body's cells that depend on this zone.
b.the part of the body where the cancer grows.
3.There is an exact correlation between the evolution of the conflict and that of the cancer, on the twin cerebral and organic levels.
If the conflict becomes complicated by new, secondary conflicts (for example, by the anguish of knowing that you have a cancer), another zone of the brain may be affected, and another tumour will appear in the corresponding organ (classical medicine calls this metastasis).
Once the conflict disappears, the zone of the brain that was affected stops issuing anarchic commands. It resumes the functions that it was previously performing. The cells cease their anarchic growth. The cancer stops growing.
The text was depicted from : www.

Dr. Daniele Lo Rito expanded the concept of Dirk Hamer Syndrome into his work of Multidimensional Iridology, please refer to his book "Iridology & Dirk Hamer Syndrome" - Theoretical Iridology

Rx- Pupillary Zone
A) Dirk Hamer Syndrome Analysis - Cerebral trunk and cerebellum organs :
1) Left pericardium, suggest heart stress that amplifies with lipemic diathesis in limbus.
2) Left breast, indicate breast problem, please refer to the findings of embryological analysis-1b.
3) Left vestibuloocochlear nerve.
3a) Colon, gastrointestinal disturbances with internal lacuna.
4) Indented wreath with deep radii solaris, indicate intestinal dysfunction and left kidney insufficiency.
5) Deep radial furrow penetrate into the Dirk Hamer topographical of pancreas reflexive zone, suggest blood sugar imbalance.
6) Minor ray at @ 240', suggest liver involvement.
7) Indented thickened collarette at @270', indicates gastrointestinal disturbances, intestinal dybiosis.
8) Protrusion of double wreath formation at @290', indicate right vestibulocochlear nerve.
9) Radial furrow at @335, suggest pleura, right peritoneum.
10) Minor ray at @350', potential heart disease, cardiovascular risk.

B) Dirk Hamer Syndrome Analysis - Cerebral Cortes Organs :
1) Bronchial arcs, bronchitis problem.
2) Bronchi (mucosa), bronchitis problem.
3) Bronchi at @54', coronaries or heart stress at @70'.
3a) Intestinal disturbances at @90' HD reflexive areas.
4) Deep radii solaris at @185' indicate right vitreum, right ovarian and left kidney deficiencies.
5) Left retina at @215'.
6) Right bladder at @240'
7) Rectal mucosa at @270'.
8) Cervix uteri and coronaries stress at @290'.
9) Larinx musculation at @335'.
10) Thyroid stress at @350'.
Common findings for Dirk Hamer Syndrome Analysis : Rx
a) Heart disease
b) Bronchitis, lung stress.
c) Ovary and uterus deficiency
d) Kidney stress
e) Gastrointestinal disturbances
f) Breast problem
Lx- Pupillary Zone
A) Dirk Hamer Syndrome Analysis - cerebral trunk and cerebellum organs :
1) Left pericardium, heart disease at @7'
2) Pleura, left peritoneum.
3) Left breast at @45'.
4) and 5) Internal lacuna at @55' and 75' indicates bladder stress, sigma and left vestibulocochlear nerve.
6) and 7) Gastrointestinal disturbances at @110' and 155'.
8) Indentation of the collarette at @165', indicates stress in intestinal, left kidney and uterus.
9) Stairstep lacuna at @183', indicates stress in intestinal, left kidney and uterus.
10) Indentation of the collarette at @190', indicates insufficiency in intestinal , left kidney and uterus.
11) and 12) Pancreas sign.
13) Stress in right kidney at @235'.
14) Right vestibulocochlear nerve at @305'.
15) Pleura, right peritoneum at @335'.
16) Right derma at @350'.

B) Dirk Hamer Analysis - Cerebral cortex organs :
1) Branchial arcs at @7' bronchitis tendency.
2) Bronchial musculation at @25'.
3) and 4) Bronchi (mucosa) at @45'.
5) Coronaries, potential heart stress, cardiovascular risk at @75' HD reflex zone.
6) Gastrointestinal disturbances at @110'.
7) Left ovary and right kidney stress at @155'.
8) Left vitreum and left ovaries, right kidney stress at @165'.
9) and 10) Right vitreum and right ovary, left kidney stress at @183'.
11) Right ovary and left kidney stress at @190'.
12) Left retina at @220'.
13) Right bladder stress at @235'.
14) Shoulder pain at @305'
15) Larinx musculation at @335'.
16) Thyroid stress at @350'.
Common findings for Lx :
a) Heart disease
b) Bronchitis
c) Ovarian and uterus stress
d) Thyroid stress
e) kidney stress
f) Gastrointestinal disturbances
g) Breast problem

Common findings for Rx and Lx:
1) Breast problem
2) Ovarian and Uterus stress
3) Kidney stress
4) Intestinal disturbances, intestinal dybiosis
5) Bronchitis, asthmatic tendency
6) Thyroid dysfunction tendency (Refer Space Risk 7 - Thyroid dysfunction -solitary brown pigment located at @305' inside the pupillary zone- Rx-1b)
7) Cardiovascular risk
Please compare the above findings with the assessment results of  IPB and Embryological Analysis- 1a & 1b
Coming up next post - Emotional Dynamics of the Collarette

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