Thursday, May 05, 2011

Physical & Emotional Analysis- 2g

Please refer to multidimensional iridology assessment series (2a,2b,2c,2d,2e,2f) of Rx iris, Male, Age:48.
Physical & Emotional analysis : 
1) Suggest pituitary stress with emotional self-esteem limitation, minor ray formation within the pupillary zone.
2) Major contraction furrow radiate from the pupillary border toward to ciliary zone, suggest to pituitary stress, possible hypothalamus and limbic system compromise. Deep self-esteem and self-image problems.
3) Minor ray, suggest pineal stress. Suppression of logical expression, fear of detachment.
4) Possible sinuses, crypt located in forehead and frontal sinus areas.
5) Hypetrophy/thick wreath in pancreas reaction field. Tendency to blood sugar imbalance.
6) Lipemic diathesis deposited in the iris limbus, high lipid level and poor fat metabolism. Take note for fatty liver and heart disease. Suppression of anger and resentment.
7) Crypt seated in the bronchus area, potential breathing difficulties problem.
8) Crypts in pancreas reaction field, tendency to genetic blood sugar imbalance. Grief and betrayal issues
9) Internal lacuna in prostate area. Checking for inflammation or infection, symptom of frequent urination or difficult to pass urine. Loss of identity.
10) Tiny crypt carry weight in penis reaction field, suggest sexual related problems. 
11) Rarefaction of iris structure in kidney reaction field, potential kidney deficiency.
12) Asparagus and Rhomboid lacuna in testes reflex zone of ventral section. According to John Andrews, the asparagus lacuna located in ventral section, have genetic tendency to :
- Salpingitis ( The client has been married more than 10 years, still no production of child ).
- Potential inflammatory of prostate and testes. Please refer prostate lacuna attached on the collarette).
- Potential testicular cysts.
Rhmboid lacuna accompanied with asparagus lacuna, the rhmboid lacuna indicates: 
- Diverticulosis tendency.
13) Gall bladder crypt and defect sign in pancreas reflex area. Anger, forgiveness and bitterness.
14) Suggest a thymus crypt, immune system compromise.
15) Rarefaction and low density of iris fibers structure in lung areas, suggest lung stress.
16) Double internal lacunae seated in heart and pancreas reflexive areas, potential cardiac disturbances and blood sugar imbalance.
17) Defect signs and 18) minor radial  formation in the medulla zone, physical breathing problem and emotional survival  in business and career issues.
19) Bridge crossing over the sinus and cerebellum reflex zone, suggest blood sugar imbalance tendency.

a) Stress in gall bladder and pancreas areas that amplified by the breaks of contraction furrows in zone 6 & 7 - a1 & a2.
b) Asparagus lacuna amplified by the contraction furrow breaks in the adjacent areas- b1.
c) Rarefaction  of fiber iris structure in lung area which amplified by the contraction furrows breaks in adjacent areas of lung at zone 6 & 7- c1 & c2
Bridge Formation - Genetic tendency to
- Blood sugar imbalance.
- Autoimmune Diabetes.
- Sensitivity to stress.

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