Wednesday, May 04, 2011

IPB Morphologies & Space Risk

A) Hypethrophy of the IPB - According to John Andrews ( Iris & Pupillary Sign, 3rd Edition), the hypertrophic of the IPB have a tendency to :

- Overactivity of the physical and emotional bodies.
- Compromise of autoimmune system.
- Potential of blood sugar imbalance/ Diabetes.
- Tonsillitis and sleep disorder problem.
- Splenomegaly.
- Hyperactivity of the HPA axis.
- Hyperthyroidism.
The hyperthropy of the IPB can be classified as the diameter is greater than the thickness of 280 microns.

B) Space Risk Analysis (pioneer researched by Dr.Daniele Lo Rito ) - Analyse of Introflession of the IPB, the dynamics of the Space Risk.
Please be noted that some of the introflession location width is or greater than 10' in nasal, temporal and frontal sections, the possibility of 2 Space Risk involved are highlighted.

1) Space risk 5 at @ 35'
- Upper respiratory tract.
- Tonsillitis, amplified by the hyperthrophic of IPB.
-  Acute or chronic condition of pharyngitis and laryngitis.
2) Space Risk 6 & 7 @ 55'~65'
a) Space Risk 7
- Possible hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism.
b) Space Risk 8
- Possible tracheitis, dyspenea and whooping cough.
3) Space Risk 12 @85' ( sharp indented to the specific degree)
- Liver involvement, fatty liver, poor fat metabolism.
4) Space Risk 16 & 15 @245'~255'
a) Space Risk 15
- Spleen insufficiency and immune system compromise.
- Potential chronic fatigue syndrome.
b) Space Risk 16
- Adrenal fatigue.
5) Space Risk 6 & 5 @311'~320'
a) Space Risk 6
- Potential muscle spams or tension in neck and shoulder.
b) Space Risk 5 same as @ 35'
- Tonsillitis.
- Deficiency in upper respiratory tract.

C) IPB Morphologies Analysis ( Dr. Lo Rito & John Andrews)

1) Squared Shape IPB- The squared shape IPB unilaterally located in the ventral section, the sign indicate a tendency to thyroid dysfunction, genetic inheritance history of hypothyroidism. Please refer to the finding of Space Risk 7.
2) Stacked or Fenceposts IPB - The stacked morphology signs located in the frontal and nasal section, it indicates a tendency history of heart disturbances, potential of respiratory, bronchitis and asthma problems. Please refer to the finding  Space Risk 5.
3)Triangle Shape IPB - Tendency to gastrointestinal disturbances with liver involvement. Please refer to Space Risk 12.
4) V Shaped- In the emotional level, V sign indicate desire to trace a pathway, to leave one trail and follow another ( Inner Pupillary Border, By Dr. Lo Rito)

Superimpose the V-Sign located in the inferior temporal section- Lx

D) Predominance IPB & Space Risk assessment superseded the Classical analysis.

Thyroxine lacuna located at ciliary zone @270' which attached on the collarette in  Lx, a genetic tendency to hypothyroidism, Space Risk 7 and Squared Shape IPB both confirmed the deficiency sign of the thyroid.

1) Heart lacuna , potential cardiac disturbance or heart disease, refer to Fencepost IPB.
2) Embryological sign at @80'~90, indicate thyroid dysfunction, again, refer Space Risk 7, Squared IPB and structural sign of Thyroxine lacuna.
3) Bridge formation crossing the heart lacuna, a tendency to blood sugar imbalance history and autoimmune diabetes, according to John Andews. Look also the hyperthropy of the IPB amplifies the genetic inheritance of blood sugar imbalance.

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