Thursday, May 05, 2011

IPB Morphologies & Embryological Analysis- Lx

Please also refer Rx - 2a ~ 2g.
IPB Analysis-
(The Inner pupillary Border & its Morphologies, John Andrews)
1) M sign - located in the frontal section, genetic tendency to blood sugar imbalance.
2) Comma sign - Tendency to rheumatism, cervical spondylosis, weak connective tissue and poor assimilation of nutrient.

M & Comma signs. (zoom in !)

Embryological Analysis-
1) Stairstep lacuna at @60' inside the pupillary zone of descending colon reflex zone, embryological pancreas sign, suggest hereditary of  blood sugar imbalance. Which also proven by the M-sign located in the frontal structure of IPB.
2) Embryology sign of testes,tendency to testicular problem, the stress sign was also shown in Rx iris, please refer to post-2g, asparagus lacuna.
3) Crypt at @180', breast stress. Possible lymphatic circulation stagnation and congestion.
4) Internal lacuna located in the sigmoid zone @195'~200', embryological sign of pineal stress and bladder/prostate insufficiency. Please refer 2g, asparagus lacuna.
5) Pancreas sign at @230'~240'.
6) Crypts located near to the pupillary border, suggest thymus gland deficiency, immune compromise.

Hyperthropy or thickened of the wreath formed in the ventral section which comprised most of the stress organs and glands located physically and embryologically.

1) Twin or double radials at @ 340' & 350' frontal brain section, suggest hypertension tendency.
2) Stairstep lacuna seated in the descending colon, a tendency family history of intestinal tumours, gastric ulcerations and intestinal polyposis but another point of view, it also represent the pancreas sign under embryological analysis. Further medical confirmation is needed, multidimensional iridology guild you in seeing better view and asking right question and  right path to investigate with giving right suggestion and advice to your client !

The above picture is to highlight the different combination of structural stress signs convey a solid health message for iridologist to decode or interpret, please look at the integration signs of :
1) Radial  furrow penetrate the adrenal reaction field, suggest adrenal stress or fatigue.
2) Small crypt located in the kidney zone, suggest kidney deficiency.
3) Rarefaction at kidney zone, and the contraction furrows break at that point, indicate the chronic stress in kidney, possible polycystic kidney.
4) Prostate crypts formation. Sexual related problem are highlighted.
5) Defect sign with rarefaction formation in urinary bladder linked with the kidney stress.

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