Thursday, April 14, 2011

Time Risk Analysis - Rx Vs Lx

Right Iris

Left Iris
Male,current age :57
Compare the Time Risk registration of the right and left iris, the critical time of the potential traumatic events happened in the past and the coming future.
Past traumatic events occurred at the age of :
1)Right iris : 30,48 and 56.
2)Left iris : 29, 36 and 52.
The most reliable past trauma events were happened at the age of 29 and 36 - An indentation of the collarette in between of these 2 time frame.
The potential psycho-emotional for these 2 specific time frame :
- Onset of depression
- Deep self-criticism over an event
- Deep sense of injustice
- Suppressed of anger and resentment in response to life event at these two specific age.
Potential future trauma events will happening at the age of :
1)Right iris : 59 and 61.
2)Left iris : 59 and 62.
The most reliable time for the traumatic to be happened at the specific age of 59 and 61+ - Both iris registered by the radii solaris emanate from the border of the collarette to the brain reflex zone.
The potential psycho-emotional for these 2 specific age :
- Possible experiencing deep and profound trauma
- Extreme stress affecting the psysical body
- Deep realisation

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