Saturday, April 16, 2011

Archeology, IPB & Space Risk Analysis- Part 1

Explores the fascinating and dynamics of the IPB

1)Archeological Finding - V Form
2)Archeological & IPB Morphological Sign - Love/Heart:The heart sign is present in tendency of Fibromyalgia.
3)IPB Mophologies - Pearl: Potential family history of intestinal polyposis, intestinal dybiosis and inflammatory bowel conditions.
4)IPB Mophologies - Globular: A globular sign is similar to a pearl in structure, except it has a much more swollen and heavy appearance. It can be a solitary sign, it relating to dybiosis.
5)Space Risk 4 - Concerns with Nose & Ears, possible nasal polys, allergic rhintis, potential of hearing loss from catarrhal otitis.
6)IPB Mophologies - Triangle: Illustrates gastro-intestinal disturbances with immunological complications and systemic toxicity involving the liver.

1)IPB Morpologies - Waves(temporal side): This formation is usually locaised to the nasal or temporal side of the IPB. It indicates: a)Increaded need for Vitamin C or zinc b)Potential emotional trauma, with the resultant suppression leading to immune dysfunction. c)Immune compromise of the respiratory mucosa.
2)Archeological Finding - Swimmer
3)Archeological Finding - Sheep
4)IPB Mophologies - Teardrop :This sign tend to be ventrally along the IPB, possible of prostate gland problem.
5)Archeological Finding : Turtle

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