Saturday, April 16, 2011

Embryological Analysis - Part 2

Constricted Collarette -
a)Ingeritance of the greater percentage of maternal DNA
b)Introvert personality
c)Intestinal are narrowed
d)Contraction and stricture
e)Tendency to Constipation
f)Poor perislatsis and general atony of the intestinal tract
Embryological topographies Analysis - NE: No Embryological Sign
1)Pituitary stress
2)Cerebellum and Oesophagus
3)Potential of bronchitis
4)Pineal stress
5&6)Gastrointestinal disturbances, refer to physical districted collarette, Pearl & Triangle IPB signs (Part-1)
7)Prostate deficiency, refer to Teardrop IPB sign (Part-1)
8)Testes weakness
9)Duodenum weakness
10)Nose,possible nasal polys, refer to Space Risk 4 (Part-1)

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