Thursday, April 14, 2011

Brain Reflex Analysis

1)Radial furrow or minor ray located in the frontal sinus refelx area, possible sinus infection.
2)Frontal brain, holistic approach in verbal expression, suggest suppression of expression, difficult to express one's thoughts or experiences from an emotional perspective.
3)Hypothalamus stress, manisfests in limbic system deficiency, concernw with vitality, brain fatigue, low emotional and nerve energy, vertigo, headache.
4)Double lacunae in thalamus refelx area, potential melatonin imbalance, sensory movement, problem in muscle coordination and expressing emotions through bodily movement.
5)Minor ray in cerebellum reflex zone, Possible past epi9leptic center, Possible sexual trauma, either experientially or genetically.
6)Minor ray mastoid area, ear problem.
7)Crypt in ear reflex zone, possible ear balancing or infection.
8)Double lacunae located in eye choroid retina, deficiency in vision. Refer Dirk Hamer,Cerebral Cortex Organs Analysis (6d,Rx)- Left eye retina
9)Closed lacuna located in shoulder zone, possible muscle pain and tension in shoulder. Refer Space Risk 6(6a, absence of IPB)shoulder muscle tension.

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