Monday, April 25, 2011

IPB-Archeology, IPB Morphologies, Space Risk- 2a

1)Absence of the IPB @280' at Space Risk 11 - Tendency to gall bladder insufficiency.
2)Archeological Finding : Snake, the snake head facing frontal section.
3)Squared IPB - Tendency to thyroid dysfunction,potential genetic family history of hypothyroidism.
4)Introflection of the IPB, Space Risk sign of 4,potential of nasal polyps and allergic rhintis.
5)Pearl sign - Genetic tendency a family history of intestinal polyposis, intestinal tumours and inflammatory bowel condition.
6)Archeological Finding : Embryo Sign.
7)IPB Morphologies & Archeological Finding Form : M. Concerns with blood sugar imbalance within the realms od dysglycaemia.
8)Archeological Finding Form : 1 N.
9)Archeological Finding : Snake, the head was facing downward ventral section.
10)IPB Morpholgies : Double IPB - They have an inherited of nervous and anxiety with the presence of the Stress Axis in the Rx iris.
11) Absebce of IPB at the degree of @115'~@120'.Adjancent to the Spare Risk of 16 & 17.
a)Space Risk 16 - Genetic tendency to adrenals stress and fatigue. Potential of allergies and adrenals cortex deficiency.
b)Space Risk 17 - Genetic tendency to kidney deficiency, renal calculus and insufficiency.
12) Archeological & IPB Morphogical Finding - Elephants Sign, two elephants head facing to each other.
The IPB Elephants sign indicates an importance of the HPA (Hypothalamus,Pituitary,Adrenal)axis. According to John Andrews, It indicates:
- Genetic history of HPA compromise& susceptibility,especially with inflammatory pathways,autoimmune compromise, history of arthritis.
- Tendency to anxiety.
- Dysglycaemic tendency.
- Emotional epigenetics.
- Elevated cortisol.

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