Saturday, April 23, 2011

Pigment Granulations- 1d

Brown pigmentation in Lx iris
-Represent a tendency to liver and gall bladder disturbances.
- The smaller the shape and diameter the more significant it manifests the genetic pathological meanings.
1)The smaller brown pigment topolabile attached on the border of the collarette, it indicate an importance meaning in the advanced multidimensional iridology analysis and it topographically located in the medulla reaction area, suggest a survival issue in the emotional aspects, as described in 1c.
2)Small brown pigment located in the reflexive zone of bronchioles and breast areas,indicate thoughts and emotions of survival issues on love and relationship, mothering, feminine figures.
Compared to both small pigments, pigment-1 attached on the collarette are predominantly set priority in multidimensional iridology analysis system.
Liver and gall bladder involvement carried an emotional issues of anger and resentment, suppression of expression in anger and resentment with cornea arcus formation in the iris limbus. An issues of forgiveness and bitterness which supported by the analysis of emotional dynamics of the collarette at the degree of @40'. In addition, under the Hamer Dirk analysis in 1c, genetic kidney deficiency that indicate about forgiveness issue.

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