Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Embryolobgical Analysis - 2b

1)Contraction furrow emanate from the IPB border toward to the ciliary zone at the degree of 15', embryological sign of bronchus, suggest bronchitis or breathing problem. Survival in career,financial and business issues.
2)Pancreas sign in crypt formation, suggest genetic tendency to blood sugar imbalance.@60'
3)Embryological sign of pancreas.Crypts formation inside the pupillary zone.@120'
4)Spleen deficiency, immune compromise.@170'
5)Indented collarette @180', potential of hypothalamus stress,adrenal fatigue and renal insufficiency.
6)Possible appendicitis, asparagus lacuna in the ventral sector @195.
7)Potential of testicular stress.@215'The client have sexual related problems.
8)Potential Duodenum deficiency, emotional tension, resentment with maternal aspect.
9)Lungs stress @250'. The client having breathing difficulties problems.
10)Tendency to thyroid dysfunction @285'.
12)Liver involvement, fatty liver with cornea arcus formation in limbus.@315'
13)Potential heart disease with cholesterol inorganic salts surround the ciliary zone 6 & 7.
14)Pituitary stress @340'- HPA Axis- embryological degree of 180'& 340'.
15)Cerebellum stress @345'.

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