Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Dirk Hamer Analysis-I,II - 2c

Dirk Hamer Analysis I - Cerebral Trunk & Cerebellum Organs
1) Concerns with left pericardium in the pupillary zone @7' (minor ray/radii solaris inside the collarette) ,potential heart disease, lipemic diathesis in the periphery of the ciliary zone, indicate poor fat metabolism and high lipid content. Please refer to 2b- embryological analysis @325'- Heart sign.
2) & 3) Concerns with pleura, left peritoneum @18'. Related to lung stress and possible pleurisy. The client has allergic with warm, humid environment caused breathing difficulties  (major radial at 18' and minor ray at 23').
4) Relates to left vestibulocochlear nerve at @60'. (hypertrophic wreath co-sign with crypt).
5) Crypt with no indication of DH sign.
6) Colon sign, possible gastrointestinal disturbances @120'.(crytpoid formation).
7) Colon sign, potential intestinal dysbiosis @145'.( small lacuna, crypt). Please refer to 2a, IPB-Pearl sign.
8) Kidney sign, suggest tendency to kidney insufficiency, renal deficiency @165'.(crypts). Please refer to 2a, Space Risk 17,2b- Embryological sign @180', indented collarette.
9) Genetic tendency of right prostate problem, intestinal disturbance and right kidney deficiency @195. (minor radial co-sign with asparagus lacuna in ventral section).
10) Pancreas sign @210' with minor radial penetrating the border of the collarette, tendency to blood sugar imbalance, also refer to 2a-IPB Elephants sign, 2b-embryological sign at @ 60' & 120'.
11) Pancreas sign @220'.(crypt).
12) Liver stress involvement @250', please refer to 2b-Embryological sign @315'. (crypt)
13) Gastrointestinal disturbance @285'.(crypt).
14) Right vestibulocochlear nerve @315'. (crypt).
15) Right breast problem, possible lymphatic congestion @328'.(tiny crypt).
16) Pleura, right peritoneum @345'possible lung stress and pleurisy, please refer to 2b-Embryological sign @250'.

Dirk Hamer Analysis II - Cerebral Cortex Organs
1) Represents tendency to bronchitis, breathing difficulties or lung stress @7', 18' & 23'.
2) Genetic inheritance to coronaries stress, potential to heart disease and cardiac arrest. @60' & 80'.
3) Predisposition to bladder infection or inflammation @120'. Please check 2a-Absence of the IPB @280', Space Risk 11.
4) Right retina @ 145'.
5) Left vitreum @165'
6) Predisposition stress and pathology to right testis and left kidney @ 195'. Please check 2a- Space Risk 17, 2b-Embryological sign at @ 215'.
7) Left retina @ 210' & 220'.
8) Rectal mucosa @ 250'.
9) Coronaries stress @ 285', 295' & 315'. Potential to heart disease.
10) Larinx @ 328' & 345'.
In Summary, The multidimensional approach - IPB, Space Risk, Embryological & Dirk Hamer Analysis, the potential genetic, predisposition and inheritance of the pathologies of the organs and glands of the client are :
1) Heart
2) Kidney
3) Testes and Prostate
4) Bronchioles and Lung
5) Pancreas
6) Gastrointestinal
7) Emotional stress and tension
We will examine the following of the Emotional Dynamics of the Collarette, Love Dynamics of the Collarette,Time Risk and Classical Iridology in physical and emotional approach. The complete Multidimensional Iridilogy assessment covered the human iris of physical, emotional and thoughts levels.The left iris will be assessed in next post - 3a...

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