Friday, April 29, 2011

Emotional Dynamics of The Collarette Analysis - 2d

The following are the potential tendency of psychosomatic on the client emotional condition or status. The structural signs attached on the collarette to be counted for this Rx iris : Crypts, Defect Signs, Major & Minor Rays and Bridge. To identify the major and predominant signs which attached on the collarette as an emotional  and psychological barriers consideration.
The emotional findings :
1) The issue of independence, against and avoid any restriction from getting the joy of freedom, freedom in choosing a career, a job, way he think and like to do...and a love. Conflict in getting the air of  self-independence. (major deep ray/radial furrow emanating from the border of the IPB to the ciliary zone @ 18')
2) Self-confidence to breakthrough one-self, desire for inner motivation and inspiration, self-expectation in term of his career. (hyperthrophic of wreath, taking mid-point @60')
3) Self-limitation, low confidence, lack of motivation, negative issue of self-image. (crypts formation @ 120')
4) Feeling of betrayal. (crypts/small lacunae @145')
5) Partnership in business or his own career, ineffectiveness of  skill cooperation and bad relationship with others.(asparagus lacuna @195')
6) Feeling of worry and anxiety. (crypt @220')
7) Issues of emotional expression and self-validation. (crypts @285' & 295')
8) Issue of acceptance. (bridge in mid-point @345')

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