Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Foot Glyphology - 52

1) The hot spot or star mark located in the stomach zone indicates a potential of infections and parasites involvement in the digestive tract.
2) Hot spot was located in the lung areas, a tendency of lung stress. Respiratory disturbances.
3) Hot spot also located in the heart zone, possible deficiency in blood circulation and heart disease.
4) Advanced stress in liver zone.
5) & 6) Advanced stresses concentrated in the regions of abdomen areas indicates gastrointestinal disturbances, digestive disorders problems.

1) Callous formation in the lung zone indicates lymphatic congestion.
2) Hot spot in digestion system.
3) Advanced stress in heart zone, deficiency in circulatory system.
4) Possible of spleen stress relate to immune system.
5) Gastrointestinal tract disturbances.
6) Possible parasites involvement in small intestine.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Foot Glyphology - 51

1) Potential of barin stress.
2) Callous, indicate possible of lymphatic congestion.

1) Star Mark/ Hot Spot indicates potential of fungus involvement in the heart tissues.
2) Medium stress line in liver and gall bladder zone.
3) Potential disturbances in colon functions.
4) Potential of kidney stress.
5) Weakness in ascending colon.
6) Parallel lines in the bladder refelx zone indicate possible of parasites infections.

1) Potential of brain stress.
2) Parallel line in brain zone areas, indicates possible pituitary stress, emotional stress and headache problems.

1) Potential blood circulation problems, a tendency to cardiovascular stress.
2) Vena Cava route, a tendency to heart disease.
3) Possible adrenal stress.
4) Kidney stress showing in left foot
5) Possible bladder or urinary infections.

Closer view on the Vena Cava reflexive route with long straight line stemming from the lymphative zone or the foot edge estends toward to the heart area.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Foot Glyphology - 46 Part 2

Right Foot ~
1) Medium stress in kidney reflex area.
2) Parellel lines crossing from small intestines to transverse colon reflexive areas indicates potential of parasites involvement.

Left Foot ~
Major stress or " Star- Mark" or Hot-Spot indicates potential parasites infections where the body was struggling with an advanced stress in a tissue. The affected reflexive areas as below:
1) Heart zone - Potential deficiency in blood circulation.
2) Vena Cana - Potential cardiovascular distress.
3) Pancreas - digestive disorders and glucose imbalance tendency.
4) Small intestines - disturbances in digestion and absorption.
5) Small intestines and kidney zone.
6) Stomach stress line in deep groove formation.

Star- Marks with star crossing formation indicates major stress or possible parasites infections. the specific reflex area of stress is the hub where the lines cross.

Please refer to Iridology Analysis - 46 Part 1 for the Nutritive Zone & Collarette analysis results.

Sunday, May 09, 2010

26th Outreach Free Specialist Medical Camp Documentary Video

26th Outreach Free Specialist Medical Camp Video by Mr. Thambi, MalaysiaKini Citizen Journalism

Iridology Analysis - 47 (C)

Right iris

1) Biliary Iris / Mixed Eyes Constitution.
a) This genetic constitution is the mixture of lymphatic type with blue eyes and hemaotgenic type with brown eyes.
b) Potential deficiency in liver, gall bladder, pancreas, digestion and absorption system. Possible disturbances in detoxification function & gastrointestinal tract, weakness in secretion of digestive juice and enzymes, constipation, diarrhea, flatulence, delicate digestion and a diabetic tendency.
c) Genetically tendency to have Central Heterochromia around the nutritive zone.
2) Biliary constitution Subtype by Accumulation/ Color ~ Hydrogenoid
a) Yellowish flocculation or tophi surrounded the zone 6 & 7 or in the limbus of iris
b) The yellowish tophi might indicate chronic congestion in lymphatic fluid with poor circulation.
c) It also called lymphatic rosary indicates the sluggishness of the lymph node, deficiency in circulation & poor drainage, toxicity accumulation, fluid retention and overactive immune system with allergies reactions to certain foods.
d) An inheritance tendency of rheumatoid arthritis.
e) The tophi was commonly located in the areas of respiratory, breast, nasal, brain and lower abdomen.
3) Subtype by Fiber Structure ~ Polyglandular
a) Lacunae type with closed, open, semi-open, crypt and honeycomb attached with the boundary of the collarette. The bunch of lacunae form in symmetrically daisy petal in the collarette.
b) Its represent a tendency of endocrine fatigue and glandular imbalance in the glands of pituitary, pineal, thyroid, parathyroid, pancreas, adrenal, ovary, prostate and thymus.
c) Closed lacunae found in this iris are : ( indicates difficult to get nutrient in and expel toxin out )
-Liver in 8.00
-Pituitary and Hypothalamus in 12.00~12.40
-Pancreas in 2.00
-Bronchus, Thymus, Thyroid and parathyroid in 2.50
- Kidney and Urinary Bladder in 5.00~5.50
-Heart in 9.00
- Pancreas in 10.30
d) Open lacunae found in the iris are : ( indicates easy to get heal and nutrient in and short time to get recover )
-Groin and Pelvic in 6.00~7.00
- Lung in 9.00
- Ear in 10.30
- Brain reflex areas in 11.00
e) The deficiency involves in Brain stress, detoxification and elimination, respiration, circulation and hormone regulation.
4) Analysis the force of resilience and reactivity of the iris fiber structure.
a) The overall iris fiber structure is loosen, ,low density and less woven, big separation of trabeculae structure and majority represents grey color of the shading, it indicates low resilience and reactivity to the illness and slow recovery and response to resist the disease invasion.
5) Contraction furrows or anxiety tetanic surrounded the zone5,6 and 7 indicates an extrovert, out-going, self-motivated, proactive and aggressive type of characters. Potential of emotional stress and tension.
6) The iris presented some pigmentation around the iris, the pigment color are :
a) Brown pigments topostabile located in the liver zone and some are topolabile scattered around the ciliary zone, it represents liver stress involvement.
b) Yellow pigments topolabile located around the collarette indicates kidney stress.
c) Orange pigments located in the frontal zone of the collarette indicates deficiency in pancreas and gall bladder. Potential deficiency in digestive enzymes and sugar imbalance tendency.
7) Central Heterochromia formation in the nutritive zone and around the collarette with the pigment color of yellow and orange, it indicates deficiency in kidney and pancreas functions, weakness in gastrointestinal tract, digestive disorders, bowel disorders, delicate and disturbances in digestion, absorption and assimilation of nutrients.
8) Analysis of the Collarette ~
a) Thick and raised type of wreath :
- Overactive, excessive energy, fast motility, a lot of fermenting and high perisltasis movement in the digestion system.
- Potential problems in diarrhea, spasms, colic and gastrointestinal motor disturbances.
- Disturbances in the acid base balance.
- Sensitivities to environment and weather.
- Strong disposition to rheumatic problems.
- it reflects the deficiency in lymphatic circulation and stagnation that caused the debris accumulated around the lymphatic of the intestines and causes inflammation and irritation in the
lymphatic circulation system.
b) Jagged and star shaped of wreath :
- Highly irritated, strictures, spastic and inflammation in the gastrointestinal tract.
- Digestive disorders with the condition of sometime diarrhea and sometime constipation.
- Impingement nerve energy at the jagged point.
- The reflexive organs adjacent to the jagged point are : liver, lung & shoulder which pointed at the ciliary zone. Ear, medulla, brain, bronchus and pancreas which pointed inside the humoral zone.
c) The major concerns of the organ that adjacent to the jagged point are : Liver, Ear, Lung & Bronchus and Pancreas.
d) The wreath was also misshapen, thick, raised and indented, it also represents the problems of dyspepsia, strictures and motor disturbances, so called Angle of Fuchs Wreath.
- Deficiency in pancreatic functions.
- Exocrine and endocrine disturbances.
- Disposition to diabetes mellitus.
9) Sphincter muscle are showing in the stomach zone which the with ring around the pupillary border, is so called Stomach Ring. The white color of the stomach ring indicates potential of over acidity in the digestion system, possible excessive hydrochloric acid that causes diarrhea and complaint of loose stool, burping, burning, floating and flatulence in excessive gases in the stomach.
10) Possible of Superior Nasal Flatness in the pupillary border. Checking of frontal sinus, vision problems, possible subluxation of cervical vertebrae, digestive orders and hepatic (liver) deficiency.

Saturday, May 08, 2010

Iridology + Sclerology Analysis

Client : Female, Age : 35
Analysis of both iris and sclera.
Right iris ~

1) Hematogenic Iris Constitution ~ Potential inherited characteristics of :
a) Heavily and densely pigmented anterior border layer with tight and close trabeculae structure and little fibrous display.
b) Brown pigment surrounded the outer layer of the iris or in the sclera is considered normal in this type of constitution.
c) Imbalance of blood composition and circulatory insufficiency.
d) Inability to store essential minerals and trace elements including iron, copper and iodine.
e) Disturbances in gastrointestinal tract, digestive disorders and sluggish bowels caused to uneasy to expel toxins out.
f) Deficiency in detoxification, elimination, assimilation and filtration system. Such as predisposition weakness to liver, gall bladder, kidney, and pancreas.
g) Glandular imbalance or mis-communication in regulating the chemical signals or hormones to maintain the homeostasis in the body system.
h) Common formation of contraction furrows and radial furrows.
i) Constriction and hardening of lymph tissue.
2) Subtype by trabeculae structure ~ Neurogenic :
a) Tightly woven structure, high density, less separation and fine fiber structure overall around the anterior border layer.
b) High resilience and reactivity to resist the illness and disease. Excellence in healing power.
c) Industrious, high self -commitment & fulfillment, proactive, extrovert and discontented characters. Sensitivity and may cause stress in nervous system.
d) Potential disturbances in digestion system and adrenal exhaustion.
3) Small crypts scattered around the zone 6 & 7 in the left lung reflex areas. Potential of bronchitis and respiratory problems.
4) Closed lacuna located in the uterus and urinary bladder reflex zone (5.00). Possible of menstrual disturbances , ovarian cysts or inflammation in bladder, cystitis. Further confirmation is needed.
5) Crypts located in the humoral zone in 7.80 ~7.90 and closed lacuna in 9.30.
a) Pancreas ( 7.80) - Checking the family history of diabetes and potential of digestive enzymes disorder ( Lipase, Amylase and Protease )
b) Gall bladder (7.90 ) - Potential weakness in secreting digestive juice to small intestine.
c) Closed lacuna in heart reflex zone. Asking the family history of heart disease is importance in response for this genetically inherited potential of heart disease problem.
6) Analysis of Nutritive Zone :
a) Small crypts scattered within the collarette. Indicate deficiency in digestion and absorption.
b) Intermittent, wispy and absence of collarette. Indicate possible of ~
- sensitivity to digestion, absorption and assimilation.
- lack of nerve energy, eating disorders and irregular meals.
- delicate digestion, poor peristalsis colic, stricture and deformation of the intestinal tract.
- nervous tension stomach.

1) Closer view on the collarette structure, the wreath was very thin and wispy to the extends of the collarette boundary was absent and overlay by the brown pigmentation of the anterior border layer.
2) The flatten wreath in the inferior section.

Small crypts scattered around the zone 6 & 7 in the lung reflex areas.

1) Closed lacuna in reaction fields of heart zone.
2) Crypt in gall bladder zone
3) Crypt in pancreas zone
4) The closed lacuna and crypts was located in the humoral zone and situated in the absence of the collarette .

Left iris ~
1) Hematogenic Constitution.
2) Neurogenic sub-type by trabeculae structure.
3) A tendency building of inorganic salts in the cornea area. Control diet, take less fatty and heated animal food.
4) A mild forming of contraction furrows.
5) Analysis of lacunae ~
a) Possible leaf lacuna located in the pancreas zone indicate potential of glucose level imbalance.
b) Possible lancet lacuna indicate potential serious sign in reflexive areas - sinus, mastoid and medulla.
c) Crypts found in heart zone (3.00) indicate potential of cardiovascular risk.
d) Open lacuna located in the ovary zone.
6) Wispy, thin, intermittent and close to absence of wreath.

Closer view on the thin and wispy collarette. The ventral portion was in flatten shape.

1) An advanced congestion stress line in the vital force reflex area (12.00) travelling to the lung area. Indicate weakness in nerve energy, low energy and libido, emotional stress and tension, headache, loss of concentration, brain fatigue and potential of chronic fatigue syndrome.
2) The Y -fork was approaching to the rim of the iris indicate nervous tension stomach and possible of digestive disorders.
3) The stress line travelling to the lung area indicate possible lung stress.
4) An encapsulation stress encompassed the 10.00 ~ 11.00 regions indicate sinus infection.
5) Pituitary stress line (12.15) extends to the limbus of iris and travelling to the thyroid reflex zone, indicate digestive disorders, nervous stomach, possible ulcer and endocrine fatigue in between with thyroid gland.
6) Advanced stress line located in the region of 12.30 ~ 12.45, a tendency of emotional and mental stress, trouble in expressing thoughts and feelings, suppression of emotion, discontented & dissatisfaction attitudes. Physically possible having sinus congestion or poor sinus drainage.
7) In brief, the client is experiencing a tendency of mental and emotional stress, physically stress in headache and impingement in supply nerve energy and allergies in sinus congestion.

1) Congestion stress with y-fork concentrated in the pancreas reflex zone and extends horizontally to the left side reaction fields of the gall bladder and liver areas. Indicates potential imbalance of glucose level and disturbance in digestive enzymes to the small intestine.
2) Advanced stress stemming from the bile duct reflex area in the lower rim of the sclera or lower abdomen region, reflecting potential problem in secreting digestive juice for digestion system.
3) Critical stress line at 6.50 spreading to small intestine indicate digestive disorders.
4) Adrenal congestion line extends toward to stomach and travelling to the spinal cord reflex areas. Potential adrenal exhausted and impingement in spinal nerves.
5) Pocket infection in the adrenal and colon areas. Possible parasite involvement in the absorption system
6) Dual advanced stress line stemming from 5.50 extends to uterus and lumbar, sacrum reflex areas.
1) An acute and active lymphatic congestion line indicate poor lymphatic drainage and circulation.
2) Lipid content with yellowish lobe showing in the breast reflex area.
3) Tracer line in between lymphatic and pancreas zone. If observe closely, the stress line was formed from the superior of brain quadrant crossing through the breast quadrant and to colon quadrant, it represents lymphatic congestion problems.
4) Exercising breast areas and doing lymphatic massage therapy is recommended.
5) Toxicity level was building up in the body system.

1) Tracer line stemming from the adrenal to spinal thoracic reflex areas.
2) Cough stress.
3) Thyroid stress with secondary involvement. Glandular fatigue in the pituitary and thyroid glands.

1) An active pituitary stress cross quadrant to heart reflex zone.
2) Emotional stress line approaching to cardial stomach area with encapsulation dot formation indicate highly digestive disorders with nervous stomach.
3) Pocket stress line formation on the frontal area indicate potential sinus congestion.
4) Secondary involvement in the pituitary stress extends to thyroid reflex area.
1) Adrenal and kidney stress lines.
2) Possible bladder stress line at 6.00.

1) Liver stress line extends to heart zone.
2) Pituitary stress line crossing the aorta reflex area indicate a potential deficiency of blood supply and circulation from aorta to the brain.
3) Cardiovascular stress line reaching to the reaction field of heart zone area. Potential of cardiovascular risk, checking the client family's clinical history of heart disease.

1) Another anger view of the brain stress line connecting to the heart regions.
2) Lung stress and liver stress and observed.

Pituitary stress expands with 2 Y- forks, both are curving to the left side of the chest quadrant, indicate an emotional and physical stress are established.

Advanced stress in cough reflex area.

Friday, May 07, 2010

Iridology Analysis - 46- Part 1

Gender: Female, Age : 56, Right iris ~
1) Hematogenic Constitution - Potential Characteristics ~
a) Deficiency in liver, gall bladder and spleen functions.
b) Circulatory insufficiency.
c) Digestive disorders.
d) Endocrine system imbalance.
2) Lipemic Diahtesis / Corneal Arcus ~
a) Cholesterol ring surround the outer rim of the iris indicate phigh in lipid contents and accumulation of the fatty metabolic waste in blood stream.
b) Potential of blood circulation problems, cardiovascular risk and heart disease.
c) Potential of fatty liver and deficiency in liver and gall bladder functions.
3) Contraction Furrows / Anxiety Tetanic Sub Type by Structure- Genetic Inherited ~
a) Also called stress rings, nerve rings and accomplishment rings.
b) In personality prospective inidicate proactive, extrovert and out going. Emotional imbalance, difficult in handle stress and tension. The phychological barriers was genetic inheritance through generation.
c) Closer analyze the breaks portion that adjacent to the organ reflex areas :
- Break in 8.00 liver reflex zone. Potential liver deficiency.
- Break in 9.00 lung reflex zone. Potential lung stress. Rarefication fiber structure in the lung zone, further indicate weakness in respiratory function. Potential asthmatic , coughing and bronchitis problems.
- Due to the corneal opacity and overshadow by the whitish rim covered around the layer 6 & 7, the breaks portion only found liver and lung regions.
4) Neurogenic Sub Type by Structure ~
a) Tightly woven and dense iris fibers structure around the ciliary zone.
b) Good resiliency and reactivity to resist the illness and diseases.
c) Slightly rarefication or separation of fibers especially in the reaction fields of lung and kidney.
d) Emotionally tense, sensitivity and tension in centre nervous system.
e) Industrious, committed, highly self-fullfilment and discontented.
5) Radial Furrows/ Radii solaris - Genetic Inherited ~
a) Formation of radial grooves in the physical iris structure or stroma. It represents the lack of nerve energy where the rays or grooves represented as toxic wastes located in the affected reflexive areas and possible parasites involvement and proliferation. Further confirmation by applying Foot Glyphology to analyze the condition of bacterial, parasites and fungus involvement in the gastrointestinal tract.
b) Deep rays in the brain zone cutting from the pupillary border through ciliary zones indicates potential for deficiency in nerve energy and depletion, low energy and libido, tiredness, lost of concentration, diziness, headache, stress and tension, emotional imbalance and sleep disorder. The 3 major grooves presented in the head areas, it represents the sinus congestion, vital force stress and pituitary stress.
c) Stress axis shown in hypothalamus, pituitary and adrenal reflexive areas, represented as adrenal exhausted by overly stress and tension, possible burned-out condition and psychological barriers.
d) Lower abdomen also circulated by the grooves formation indicates a tendency to digestive disorders, deficiency in elimination system ( liver and kidney ) and endocrine glands disturbances ( adrenal, uterus and pancreas ).
6) Rarefaction fibers and less woven stroma in the reaction fields of ~
a) Lung - as mentioned in 3c.
b) Lower abdomen regions - pelvis and groin reflex areas indicate potential of muscle pain and tension.
c) kidney zone - potential deficiency in elimination and filtration metabolic wastes functions.
7) Digestive signs analysis ( Nutritive Zone - digestion and absorption ) ~
a) Constricted & tight Collarette - Potential of ~
- Digestive disturbance in constipation.
- Slow mobility and poor peristalsis.
- Delicate digestion.
- Constraction and stricture.
- Intestines narrowed.
b) Comb teeth inside the collarette indicate weakness in digestion.
c) Small crypts scattered in the collarette.
d) Absence of wreath in the transverse colon indicate potential of prolapsed condition.
8) Pigmentation - Genetic Inhiretance ~
a) Brown pigments topolabile located around the ciliary zones indicating liver deficiency.

1)Dark brown pigmentation indicate liver stress involvement.
2) The brown pigment topolabile located in the reaction fields of pancreas and forehead temple.
1) Brown pigment located in liver zone.
2) Light brown or possible orange coloration located in kidney zone. Potential weakness in pancreas, imbalance of sugar level and digetive enzymes.

1) Constricted collarette
2) Comb teeths
3) Crypts
4) Absence of wreath in the transverse colon portion
5) Deep grooves cutting down to the frontal of pupillary border

Left iris ~
1) Lipemic Diathesis/ Cholesterol Ring surround the outer rim of iris.
2) Contraction Furrows/ Radii Solaris formation in the ciliary zone.
a) Several furrows breaks in the lung zone indicate deficiency in resperitory function.
3) Ferrum Chromatose/ Tiger Striping formation ~
a) Potential liver deficiency.
b) Digestive disorders.
b) Potential difficulties in iron absorption and fat metabolism.
4) Closed lacuna located in the pancreas zone indicate potential of insulin imbalance.
5) Rarefaction or separation of fibers with presenting low stroma density in the reaction fields of ~
a) Pelvis and Groin reflex areas in 5.00 ~6.00, potential of muscle tension in the lower side.
b) Heart zone.
6) Brown pigments locating topolabile in the humoral and musculature layers. Indicate weakness in detoxification system.
7) Radial Furrows / Radii Solaris ~
a) Major radials commence from the pupillary border extending to the collarette through the ciliary zone.
b) It significantly associated with impingement and disturbance in digestion, absorption and assimilation.
c) Potential proliferation of bacterials, parasites and fungus involvement in the gastrointestinal tract.
d) Radii solaris located in the brain zone indicate lack of nerve energy, physically headache and emotionally stress. Stress in animation of life and potential of chronic fatigue syndrom.
e) Stress Axis - Hypothalamus - Pituitary - Adrenal
8) Nutritive Zone Analysis ~
a) Constricted autonomic nerve wreath.
b) Comb teeths and crypts inside the collarette.
c) Radii solaris cutting through the collarette.
d) Thin and wispy collarette. sensitive, lack of nerve energy, delicate digestion, slow motility and poor peristalsis.

1) Brown pigment topolabile located in the urinary bladder zone.
2) Brown pigment topostable located in the liver zone.
3) Brown pigment topolabile located in the thyroid zone.

Black pigment located in the reaction fields of frontal sinus and temple forehead reflexive zone. Indicate potential of severe sinus congestion and tension headache problems.

Stress Axis Formation ~ combination of 3 stress axis
1) Hypothalamus
2) Pituitary
3) Adrenal

Wednesday, May 05, 2010

Iridology Analysis - 45

Gender : Female, Age: 70, Right Pupil
1) Inferior Temporal Flatness ~
a) Potential sublaxation in spine nerves location of T4, T6, T7 and T8 vertebrae
b) The reflexive organs of the vertebrae with the potential deficiency :
- T4 : Gall Bladder - digestive enzymes
- T6 : Stomach - digestion and absorption
- T7 : Pancreas - glucose level and digestive enzymes
- T8 : Spleen - immune and lymphatic circulation
c) The adjancent of the reflexive organs in the regions of 7.00 ~8.00 against the inferior temporal flatness : Right iris
- Liver and gall bladder
- Pancreas
- Ovary
2) Closed lacuna located in the uterus and urinary bladder zone , the client complaint about the frequent and chocking of urination.