Wednesday, May 05, 2010

Iridology Analysis - 45

Gender : Female, Age: 70, Right Pupil
1) Inferior Temporal Flatness ~
a) Potential sublaxation in spine nerves location of T4, T6, T7 and T8 vertebrae
b) The reflexive organs of the vertebrae with the potential deficiency :
- T4 : Gall Bladder - digestive enzymes
- T6 : Stomach - digestion and absorption
- T7 : Pancreas - glucose level and digestive enzymes
- T8 : Spleen - immune and lymphatic circulation
c) The adjancent of the reflexive organs in the regions of 7.00 ~8.00 against the inferior temporal flatness : Right iris
- Liver and gall bladder
- Pancreas
- Ovary
2) Closed lacuna located in the uterus and urinary bladder zone , the client complaint about the frequent and chocking of urination.

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