Friday, May 07, 2010

Iridology Analysis - 46- Part 1

Gender: Female, Age : 56, Right iris ~
1) Hematogenic Constitution - Potential Characteristics ~
a) Deficiency in liver, gall bladder and spleen functions.
b) Circulatory insufficiency.
c) Digestive disorders.
d) Endocrine system imbalance.
2) Lipemic Diahtesis / Corneal Arcus ~
a) Cholesterol ring surround the outer rim of the iris indicate phigh in lipid contents and accumulation of the fatty metabolic waste in blood stream.
b) Potential of blood circulation problems, cardiovascular risk and heart disease.
c) Potential of fatty liver and deficiency in liver and gall bladder functions.
3) Contraction Furrows / Anxiety Tetanic Sub Type by Structure- Genetic Inherited ~
a) Also called stress rings, nerve rings and accomplishment rings.
b) In personality prospective inidicate proactive, extrovert and out going. Emotional imbalance, difficult in handle stress and tension. The phychological barriers was genetic inheritance through generation.
c) Closer analyze the breaks portion that adjacent to the organ reflex areas :
- Break in 8.00 liver reflex zone. Potential liver deficiency.
- Break in 9.00 lung reflex zone. Potential lung stress. Rarefication fiber structure in the lung zone, further indicate weakness in respiratory function. Potential asthmatic , coughing and bronchitis problems.
- Due to the corneal opacity and overshadow by the whitish rim covered around the layer 6 & 7, the breaks portion only found liver and lung regions.
4) Neurogenic Sub Type by Structure ~
a) Tightly woven and dense iris fibers structure around the ciliary zone.
b) Good resiliency and reactivity to resist the illness and diseases.
c) Slightly rarefication or separation of fibers especially in the reaction fields of lung and kidney.
d) Emotionally tense, sensitivity and tension in centre nervous system.
e) Industrious, committed, highly self-fullfilment and discontented.
5) Radial Furrows/ Radii solaris - Genetic Inherited ~
a) Formation of radial grooves in the physical iris structure or stroma. It represents the lack of nerve energy where the rays or grooves represented as toxic wastes located in the affected reflexive areas and possible parasites involvement and proliferation. Further confirmation by applying Foot Glyphology to analyze the condition of bacterial, parasites and fungus involvement in the gastrointestinal tract.
b) Deep rays in the brain zone cutting from the pupillary border through ciliary zones indicates potential for deficiency in nerve energy and depletion, low energy and libido, tiredness, lost of concentration, diziness, headache, stress and tension, emotional imbalance and sleep disorder. The 3 major grooves presented in the head areas, it represents the sinus congestion, vital force stress and pituitary stress.
c) Stress axis shown in hypothalamus, pituitary and adrenal reflexive areas, represented as adrenal exhausted by overly stress and tension, possible burned-out condition and psychological barriers.
d) Lower abdomen also circulated by the grooves formation indicates a tendency to digestive disorders, deficiency in elimination system ( liver and kidney ) and endocrine glands disturbances ( adrenal, uterus and pancreas ).
6) Rarefaction fibers and less woven stroma in the reaction fields of ~
a) Lung - as mentioned in 3c.
b) Lower abdomen regions - pelvis and groin reflex areas indicate potential of muscle pain and tension.
c) kidney zone - potential deficiency in elimination and filtration metabolic wastes functions.
7) Digestive signs analysis ( Nutritive Zone - digestion and absorption ) ~
a) Constricted & tight Collarette - Potential of ~
- Digestive disturbance in constipation.
- Slow mobility and poor peristalsis.
- Delicate digestion.
- Constraction and stricture.
- Intestines narrowed.
b) Comb teeth inside the collarette indicate weakness in digestion.
c) Small crypts scattered in the collarette.
d) Absence of wreath in the transverse colon indicate potential of prolapsed condition.
8) Pigmentation - Genetic Inhiretance ~
a) Brown pigments topolabile located around the ciliary zones indicating liver deficiency.

1)Dark brown pigmentation indicate liver stress involvement.
2) The brown pigment topolabile located in the reaction fields of pancreas and forehead temple.
1) Brown pigment located in liver zone.
2) Light brown or possible orange coloration located in kidney zone. Potential weakness in pancreas, imbalance of sugar level and digetive enzymes.

1) Constricted collarette
2) Comb teeths
3) Crypts
4) Absence of wreath in the transverse colon portion
5) Deep grooves cutting down to the frontal of pupillary border

Left iris ~
1) Lipemic Diathesis/ Cholesterol Ring surround the outer rim of iris.
2) Contraction Furrows/ Radii Solaris formation in the ciliary zone.
a) Several furrows breaks in the lung zone indicate deficiency in resperitory function.
3) Ferrum Chromatose/ Tiger Striping formation ~
a) Potential liver deficiency.
b) Digestive disorders.
b) Potential difficulties in iron absorption and fat metabolism.
4) Closed lacuna located in the pancreas zone indicate potential of insulin imbalance.
5) Rarefaction or separation of fibers with presenting low stroma density in the reaction fields of ~
a) Pelvis and Groin reflex areas in 5.00 ~6.00, potential of muscle tension in the lower side.
b) Heart zone.
6) Brown pigments locating topolabile in the humoral and musculature layers. Indicate weakness in detoxification system.
7) Radial Furrows / Radii Solaris ~
a) Major radials commence from the pupillary border extending to the collarette through the ciliary zone.
b) It significantly associated with impingement and disturbance in digestion, absorption and assimilation.
c) Potential proliferation of bacterials, parasites and fungus involvement in the gastrointestinal tract.
d) Radii solaris located in the brain zone indicate lack of nerve energy, physically headache and emotionally stress. Stress in animation of life and potential of chronic fatigue syndrom.
e) Stress Axis - Hypothalamus - Pituitary - Adrenal
8) Nutritive Zone Analysis ~
a) Constricted autonomic nerve wreath.
b) Comb teeths and crypts inside the collarette.
c) Radii solaris cutting through the collarette.
d) Thin and wispy collarette. sensitive, lack of nerve energy, delicate digestion, slow motility and poor peristalsis.

1) Brown pigment topolabile located in the urinary bladder zone.
2) Brown pigment topostable located in the liver zone.
3) Brown pigment topolabile located in the thyroid zone.

Black pigment located in the reaction fields of frontal sinus and temple forehead reflexive zone. Indicate potential of severe sinus congestion and tension headache problems.

Stress Axis Formation ~ combination of 3 stress axis
1) Hypothalamus
2) Pituitary
3) Adrenal

1 comment:

  1. this is great! I'm studying reflexology and I like the analysis~ very helpful! :)
