Sunday, May 09, 2010

Iridology Analysis - 47 (C)

Right iris

1) Biliary Iris / Mixed Eyes Constitution.
a) This genetic constitution is the mixture of lymphatic type with blue eyes and hemaotgenic type with brown eyes.
b) Potential deficiency in liver, gall bladder, pancreas, digestion and absorption system. Possible disturbances in detoxification function & gastrointestinal tract, weakness in secretion of digestive juice and enzymes, constipation, diarrhea, flatulence, delicate digestion and a diabetic tendency.
c) Genetically tendency to have Central Heterochromia around the nutritive zone.
2) Biliary constitution Subtype by Accumulation/ Color ~ Hydrogenoid
a) Yellowish flocculation or tophi surrounded the zone 6 & 7 or in the limbus of iris
b) The yellowish tophi might indicate chronic congestion in lymphatic fluid with poor circulation.
c) It also called lymphatic rosary indicates the sluggishness of the lymph node, deficiency in circulation & poor drainage, toxicity accumulation, fluid retention and overactive immune system with allergies reactions to certain foods.
d) An inheritance tendency of rheumatoid arthritis.
e) The tophi was commonly located in the areas of respiratory, breast, nasal, brain and lower abdomen.
3) Subtype by Fiber Structure ~ Polyglandular
a) Lacunae type with closed, open, semi-open, crypt and honeycomb attached with the boundary of the collarette. The bunch of lacunae form in symmetrically daisy petal in the collarette.
b) Its represent a tendency of endocrine fatigue and glandular imbalance in the glands of pituitary, pineal, thyroid, parathyroid, pancreas, adrenal, ovary, prostate and thymus.
c) Closed lacunae found in this iris are : ( indicates difficult to get nutrient in and expel toxin out )
-Liver in 8.00
-Pituitary and Hypothalamus in 12.00~12.40
-Pancreas in 2.00
-Bronchus, Thymus, Thyroid and parathyroid in 2.50
- Kidney and Urinary Bladder in 5.00~5.50
-Heart in 9.00
- Pancreas in 10.30
d) Open lacunae found in the iris are : ( indicates easy to get heal and nutrient in and short time to get recover )
-Groin and Pelvic in 6.00~7.00
- Lung in 9.00
- Ear in 10.30
- Brain reflex areas in 11.00
e) The deficiency involves in Brain stress, detoxification and elimination, respiration, circulation and hormone regulation.
4) Analysis the force of resilience and reactivity of the iris fiber structure.
a) The overall iris fiber structure is loosen, ,low density and less woven, big separation of trabeculae structure and majority represents grey color of the shading, it indicates low resilience and reactivity to the illness and slow recovery and response to resist the disease invasion.
5) Contraction furrows or anxiety tetanic surrounded the zone5,6 and 7 indicates an extrovert, out-going, self-motivated, proactive and aggressive type of characters. Potential of emotional stress and tension.
6) The iris presented some pigmentation around the iris, the pigment color are :
a) Brown pigments topostabile located in the liver zone and some are topolabile scattered around the ciliary zone, it represents liver stress involvement.
b) Yellow pigments topolabile located around the collarette indicates kidney stress.
c) Orange pigments located in the frontal zone of the collarette indicates deficiency in pancreas and gall bladder. Potential deficiency in digestive enzymes and sugar imbalance tendency.
7) Central Heterochromia formation in the nutritive zone and around the collarette with the pigment color of yellow and orange, it indicates deficiency in kidney and pancreas functions, weakness in gastrointestinal tract, digestive disorders, bowel disorders, delicate and disturbances in digestion, absorption and assimilation of nutrients.
8) Analysis of the Collarette ~
a) Thick and raised type of wreath :
- Overactive, excessive energy, fast motility, a lot of fermenting and high perisltasis movement in the digestion system.
- Potential problems in diarrhea, spasms, colic and gastrointestinal motor disturbances.
- Disturbances in the acid base balance.
- Sensitivities to environment and weather.
- Strong disposition to rheumatic problems.
- it reflects the deficiency in lymphatic circulation and stagnation that caused the debris accumulated around the lymphatic of the intestines and causes inflammation and irritation in the
lymphatic circulation system.
b) Jagged and star shaped of wreath :
- Highly irritated, strictures, spastic and inflammation in the gastrointestinal tract.
- Digestive disorders with the condition of sometime diarrhea and sometime constipation.
- Impingement nerve energy at the jagged point.
- The reflexive organs adjacent to the jagged point are : liver, lung & shoulder which pointed at the ciliary zone. Ear, medulla, brain, bronchus and pancreas which pointed inside the humoral zone.
c) The major concerns of the organ that adjacent to the jagged point are : Liver, Ear, Lung & Bronchus and Pancreas.
d) The wreath was also misshapen, thick, raised and indented, it also represents the problems of dyspepsia, strictures and motor disturbances, so called Angle of Fuchs Wreath.
- Deficiency in pancreatic functions.
- Exocrine and endocrine disturbances.
- Disposition to diabetes mellitus.
9) Sphincter muscle are showing in the stomach zone which the with ring around the pupillary border, is so called Stomach Ring. The white color of the stomach ring indicates potential of over acidity in the digestion system, possible excessive hydrochloric acid that causes diarrhea and complaint of loose stool, burping, burning, floating and flatulence in excessive gases in the stomach.
10) Possible of Superior Nasal Flatness in the pupillary border. Checking of frontal sinus, vision problems, possible subluxation of cervical vertebrae, digestive orders and hepatic (liver) deficiency.

1 comment:

  1. I would like to suggest this iris has a Pancreatic diathesis.
    • Orange central heterochromia
    • Primarily Lymphatic type but can be Mixed
    • Pancreas loading in proportion to amount of orange pigment
    • Pancreas loading is potentiated by pupil flattening or lacunae anywhere in the pancreatic quadrant.
    Orange iris pigment is produced by the pancreas. When observed, it indicates a couple of possibilities. If the orange is found inside the collarette it indicates reduced enzyme production and when outside the collarette, it indicates the likelihood of erratic blood sugar regulation. This sample has colour in both locations. In addition, they also exhibit lacunae in the superior and inferior medial and the lateral inferior pancreatic quadrant. This greatly increases the likelihood of their relationship to a diabetic.
    COMMON COMPLAINTS: Diabetes in previous generations is a common finding. The client may experience Dysglycaemia and sugar cravings. Typically they admit to having a sweet tooth. Skipping meals can increase the likelihood of mood swings. They often need small and more frequent meals and can also experience tremor relieved by food. Fasting will often induce headaches. Skipping meals can increase the likelihood of mood swings. Digestive reaction to starchy foods often includes bloating, belching and pain in the upper abdomen. This is most often due to enzyme deficiency. Weight gain is often focused around the midriff and has a negative effect on the BMI. Males with a waist measurement over ninety-five centimetres and women with a waist measurement over eighty centimetres have an automatic increase in the risk of diabetes. A “jelly belly” or “muffin top” is often the result of over consumption of high GI carbohydrates.
    Excerpt page 93 The Integrated Iridology Textbook© 2008 by Toni Miller
    Cheers, Toni Miller
